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This is the second part of how to paint the Kindgom Death Gladiator model.

The following paints were used:

Games Workshop: Mournfang Brown, Rhinox Hide, Ushabti Bone, Abaddon Black, Mephiston Red, Kislev Flesh, Cadian Fleshtone, Bugman's Glow, Ratskin Flesh, Temple Guard Blue, Agrax Earthshade, Wild Rider Red

Vallejo: Neutral Grey (Skavenblight Dinge), German Grey (Abaddon Black with a touch of white), English Uniform (XV-88), Japanese Uniform (Balor Brown) , Ice Yellow (Ushabti Bone with a touch of yellow)

P3: Morrow White (Ceramite White), Bootstrap Leather (Baneblade Brown with a touch of Rhinox Hide)


Kingdom Death Gladiator Part 2

This is the second part of how to paint the Kindgom Death Gladiator model. The following paints were used: Games Workshop: Mournfang Brown, Rhinox Hide, Ushabti Bone, Abaddon Black, Mephiston Red, Kislev Flesh, Cadian Fleshtone, Bugman's Glow, Ratskin Flesh, Temple Guard Blue, Agrax Earthshade, Wild Rider Red Vallejo: Neutral Grey (Skavenblight Dinge), German Grey (Abaddon Black with a touch of white), English Uniform (XV-88), Japanese Uniform (Balor Brown) , Ice Yellow (Ushabti Bone with a touch of yellow) P3: Morrow White (Ceramite White), Bootstrap Leather (Baneblade Brown with a touch of Rhinox Hide)



Hey Richard like the shield on the Gladiator. The blue in the NMM looks really nice.