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This is the second video on how to paint the freehand on the shin of the Castellan Knight from Games Wrokshop.

The following paints were used:

Games Workshop: Wild Rider Red, Rhinox Hide, Ceramite White, Zamersi Desert, Ushabti Bone, Firedragon Bright, Abaddon Black.

P3: Battlefield Brown (Baneblade Brown GW alternative.)


Castellan Freehand Part 2

This is the second video on how to paint the freehand on the shin of the Castellan Knight from Games Wrokshop. The following paints were used: Games Workshop: Wild Rider Red, Rhinox Hide, Ceramite White, Zamersi Desert, Ushabti Bone, Firedragon Bright, Abaddon Black. P3: Battlefield Brown (Baneblade Brown GW alternative.)


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