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Prosecutor x Phantom (Sae x Akira)

Commissioned by Gopher

Wordcount: 1000

The winter morning was brisk. Snow fell lightly outside. It was early. A long-cultivated habit of sleeping early and waking up early was hard to break, despite the promise of a full week of break. However, there was more on Sae Najima’s mind than her sleeping patterns. No, her mind was dominated by a fact she’d received from her sister, who was working her way up to police commissioner rapidly, even as the holidays set in.

The elder sister had her mind entirely on the bespectacled man before her, clad in pajamas and an apron, as he finished his portion of the breakfast they prepared together. 

He was exuding a quiet, expectant pressure that made her swallow dryly and have no need for the coffee before her.

“So, what were you up to yesterday?” Sae posed the question softly, without any intent to provoke.

“Officer, I believe you need a warrant to interrogate.” Thus, she made the mistake of presenting a soft underbelly that was ruthlessly attacked.

Sae was normally not one to be flushed. Scrupulous, composed, and careful just short of a fault, she composed herself to be the absolute best. Even after leaving criminal prosecution as an occupation, she valued her professionalism extensively, thus she remained amongst the best in her field.

Still, she flushed at the smile and raised brow of her spouse.

Her younger, clever, and utterly recalcitrant spouse.

“This… this isn’t an interrogation. It’s more of an inquiry.” Sae coughed into her sleeve, before idly bringing up her freshly-brewed coffee to her lips. It was normally a blessing to have such a fine drink in the morning, but the brew only reminded her further of her first meeting with the man sitting across from her. And, how relatively soon that first meeting was, before their current, cohabitating circumstances. “I simply want to know where you went yesterday with… your friend.”

She was aware that she was being teased, that her concern was being played with, and that the winning hand of this encounter was to fold and let it pass. Her instincts told her this path of questioning was one without any benefit. No. It wasn’t simply devoid of reward, but actually filled with pitfalls. 

“Oh, then you’ll need to be specific, Sae. Do you mean Ryuji? Maybe, Yusuke?”

No. She did not care for Ryuji. Nor Yusuke. Soujiro was worrisome to a certain extent, given the man’s fraternization with younger women, but she’d be a hypocrite if she made note of that.

Sae was keenly aware that a specific answer was being fished for, that her messy-haired, bespectacled live-in confidant was smiling innocently for purposes that were beyond innocence. 

The only way forward now was brash, swift action, throwing aside any and all hesitation, so that she could overcome all challenges.

So, Sae Najima crossed her arms, set her face in stone, and straightened her shoulders, looming over the sole other inhabitant of the one-bedroom flat, despite merely sitting across from him.

“T-tell me what you did yesterday and with who, Akira!”

But, she stuttered.

“Ah, you stuttered.”

Sae realized she stuttered.

Her face fell into her hands instantly. 

Why couldn’t she manage the words? How was it that she couldn’t? Introspection slowly wore away at her own mental blocks, assisted by the embarrassment she felt, as she forced herself to think properly and logically. The situation was set to be settled simple and concisely as she reviewed her situation, her personal biases, and accepted them, as a grown, mature, and intelligent individual should. 

However, before she could summon the willpower to act, Akira smiled, placed a hand against his cheek, and spoke.

“My, my, how cute.” There it was. The verbal jab that she was trying to avoid all along! It came as it always did, right when she expected it, but was utterly unable to prepare for it! Sae had to stop herself from biting her lip and looking away, as though she were some sort of highschool girl, instead of a grown woman. “You’re adorable when you’re jealous, Sae-chan.”

“S-stop it already. I give up. F-fine!” None of those were true, but they left her lips without her own volition, while she could only internally realize she was conceding the whole of the battle to her spouse. She knew that she should take a stand, be firm, and assert herself, that was the only way to recover… but looking from the corner of her gaze, as she felt even the tips of her ears burning red, she couldn’t do it. All she could do was cover her retreat and ask for concessions. “J-just tell me what you did with Anne yesterday, Akira!”

Sae expected more teasing.

Of the physical variety too especially Akira decided to stand up, and walk around the table they shared. 

In her moment of her weakness, she was very aware that fighting against that was impossible too.

So, she prepared herself… and was crushed by the unexpected nature of the attack, as it settled lightly upon the base of her neck.

“You forgot since you were busy, but it’s our anniversary, my dear.” Sae stilled as she looked upon the gift, as she realized the true extent of her failings, and felt the expectant hands of her punishment settle on her shoulders. She knew that if she looked behind her, she’d see a smile devoid of mercy, a grin filled with only malicious intent, and a lover spurned. She’d wondered why she was being teased with such efficacy on the first day of her week off from work… and was very aware that her week was going to be very, very far from the vacation she expected. That particular thought was made clear as one hand divested itself from her shoulder to slip past propriety and below her neckline entirely. “Don’t pretend you didn’t.”

Sae was very aware that the situation could only go one of two ways.

She would either fight and attest that she did remember, which would result her in losing as she actually didn’t. 

Or, she would relent and confess, which would result in her skipping losing to the man at her back, who was oh-so-softly touching and caressing her with a multitude of silent promises.

Slowly, carefully, and meticulously, Sae searched herself.

Then, she felt a smile form on her face too, even as her heart threatened to run out of her chest.

“I-I did remember. I swear.”


If she were already defeated, then why shouldn’t she enjoy it as much as she could?



Getting some real Kaguya-wants-to-be-confessed-to vibes