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Shizi 1

“Yo, shadow bitch, Song’s going to pursue you romantically now. Congrats.” 

I blinked once, twice, and then nearly broke my neck turning my gaze towards Miyakuro.

“Explain yourself.”

“In ten words: Song wants you to have his babies. Huh. Still three words left. Alright, here’s the rest: Get fucked, Shizi.” Miyakuro has never lied to me. That is his sole respectable trait. Needless to say, I had every reason to believe his words, but I did not want to in the slightest. “Yeah, so, the guy wants to keep you safe and by his side for the rest both your lives. Good luck with that.”

For a second, I felt as though a close-range spell had just gone off, as I was suddenly hit with a sense of vertigo.

“Oof. Wow. Poor Song. Really? Not even a single romantic thought in that head of yours?” Miyakuro was enjoying himself. I knew, because that’s the only reason why he’d ever talk more than he needed to. The damnable god was smirking behind his table, as I steadied myself on mine. I turned to the door. “No. Everyone else is busy today. It’s just you and me working ourselves to the bone. We’re going to have a long, long talk about the warren Song intends to start with you, cradle robber.” 

I scoured my mind for any sign of Song’s aforementioned interest. I found none. It’s true that we spoke to one another more often now, but that was only due to the fact I’d managed to overcome my problems regarding the Silver Maiden. 

“And, since you’re no longer emotionally compromised, Song can see you as a woman he can pursue without issue.” I considered killing Miyakuro, just for a second, because no one deserved to be as smug of a bastard as he currently was. Undoubtedly, some of nature’s laws were being transgressed upon by his irritating smile. “Rejoice, Shizi, you’re going to get wooed by the world’s most eligible bachelor.”

I considered the situation carefully, before coming to a quick conclusion.

“I need a drink.”


“I meant liquor.”

“Of course you did.”

Regardless of my work ethic, I left the office without a single glance back, and headed to the nearest bar.

Miyakuro did not pursue me.

He knew better.

It is eight o’clock in the morning, so there are only a few individuals at the bar. I nursed a glass, contemplated, and lingered in silence.

Miyakuro took a seat by me.

“Okay, alright. I really didn’t expect this to be how it played out.” Miyakuro’s words only confirmed the thoughts I were trying to ignore. True, I had initially reacted poorly to the news he shared with me, but now I was doing my utmost to not think. “Seriously? You’re going to give him a chance? You’re going to try? You’re centuries older than him, Shizi. Even if he’s immortal, it’s… eh.”

He waved away the server’s insistence that he was too young to drink by asking for water. The god tolerated my silence, but I knew I had to speak. Taking a deep breath, I told him the conclusion I’d come to. “I can at least give it a chance.”

“Yeah, sure, that sounds great on paper, but you’re forgetting both of your circumstances. Even if you’re better now, you’re still fucked in the head with a landfill’s worth of baggage on your shoulders.” Miyakuro didn’t relent in his evaluation on the situation. He was trying to help, to pull me back, but I couldn’t feel my thoughts budging in the slightest. 

The thought of just… saying no to Song, without good reason, didn’t sit well with me.  I considered the clear liquid in my glass. The urge to drink wasn’t particularly striking. I didn’t wish to be drunk out of my mind, but neither was I calm. I… I just didn’t know what to do about my circumstances. 

“You’re right, but I still have no intention of simply saying no.” Li Song is a good person. He always sought out the path with the least amount of suffering. He’d saved my life. When he could’ve done anything he wished with me, he saw fit to make me whole and hale. If he wished to pursue me, what sort of person would I be to deny him?

“A normal person. Dammit, Shizi. It’s not hard to think about. So what if you trust each other? So what if you’re the closest of friends? That doesn’t mean the two of you need to fucking fuck.” Miyakuro pointed out the truth in his usual, straightforward manner. “Love isn’t about merit, debts, or honor for fuck’s sake. Li Song’s in puberty, you’re attractive, therefore he wants to make sweet, sweet love to you and make you bear his children. That’s all there is to it. Just say no if you’re not attracted. Say yes if you are. It’s not rocket science, you just have to make a decision—” 

“The issue of the matter is I neither abhor nor adore the notion.” I gave Miyakuro the answer he’d been dancing around. That was the heart of the matter. No matter how I looked at Li Song, there was no… lust in my heart. He was my companion, an individual who I cared for, and someone whom I’d die for without hesitation. However, I am a Dhamphir of many centuries, and he’s a young man of 18.  “He’s handsome, noble, and valiant. Doubtlessly, any fair maiden would leap into his arms with a gleeful yell.”

“But, not you.”

“No, not me.”

“But, you don’t hate him.”

“I do not.”

“Well, shit.”


We sat in silence together, in the dimly lit room of the bar, and I knew not what to do with myself or my circumstances. 

When Miyakuro spoke once more, I wanted him to provide me with a solution, but none came. 

“This can end in misery, y’know? One day, you might regret giving him a chance.”

That’s true. I had to acknowledge that. However, the opposite was also true. I could become happy, and not regret my actions in the slightest. 

All I can do now is wait, see, and meet Song halfway. 

Even if I didn’t know why he wanted to.



SL hell? SL hell.


Well, this is a bit disappointing. But oh well, nothing worth having is ever easy, is it?