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If you are unable to secure one of the spots please message me for waitlist information.

Seller Tier Rules

Last update: Nov 7, 2022

Subscription to the seller tier and sales of physical prints using the STL files are subject to the following terms, any updates to the rules will have a 30-day 'heads-up' period. Please message me with any suggestions as these basic rules exist mainly to maximize value to each seller and reduce over-saturation, and I always want to hear from you!

  • The total number of sellers is currently fixed but may expand over time.
  • A maximum of 15 unique LandspeederLuke product listings per seller are allowed. This is so each seller can have a unique selection of product offerings that best suits their individual skillset and focus. This applies to both complete diorama sets and individual smaller files (like crates and doors). For example, both an entire set of multiple pieces (such as the Tattooine diorama and it’s related doors, crates, etc), or an individual piece (only the door) would count as one listing each.
  • Please include the credit “Files designed by LandspeederLuke”.
  • Permissions may be revoked at any time depending on rule violation or complaints that reach me of poor print quality/customer service.

Thank you all for understanding! Please fill out the following form if you intend to sign up for a seller spot. This will not have any effect on your eligibility for a spot. Please include your links so I can properly direct customers to you depending on what they’re looking for. (Write TBD if you don't have a storefront yet.)






OOOH MAN ¡ Im so exited to be a seller member . Cant whait to show you My prints . Thank you very much for this ¡¡¡