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I’ve been wanting to make a post like this for a while, and the current sale is amazing. I can’t overstate how much I love my Bambu P1P. I’ve been running three of these since September of last year and have not had a single issue that took more than 10 minutes to address, and only maybe 5 of those have popped up. At least 6 friends have picked up this printer since I have and they all rave about it.

You can start and manage prints from your computer and monitor from your phone with the built in camera. It is so much faster and the print quality at the fastest setting rivals the Enders at their highest quality. Bed leveling and calibration are a thing of the past. When an issue arises, the app tells you exactly what is wrong. It’s all super easy to learn whether you’re a noob or have experience with other printers.

The print ironing feature is so good that it will allow me to tackle projects like Death Star walls that previously would have been much less attractive.

There are no affiliate links here, I just like the printers that much. Also, the files that I’m currently working on now (a certain famous cockpit you all want) will be optimized for multi-color printing and print ironing (though they will still be perfectly fine for standard printers).

For diorama PLA printing the P1P model (pictured) is all you need. The more expensive models are designed around other materials, though the AMS (multi-color printing) add-on is also great, and I will be optimizing a lot of my models to utilize this in the future to save you paint time.

Ok that's all, been wanting to talk about this for awhile but wanted to make sure I'd used them for awhile first. Let me know below if you’ve tried out the Bambu printers!



Michael Sons

Hey Luke, I’m looking at purchasing one of these with the AMS multicolor attachment to try it out. Does the Overture filament work well with these printers or is the Bambu filament better?


BS collector here. Brand new to 3D printing; been wanting to get into it for a while. After much researched I finally bit the bullet and grabbed a X1C - which arrived few weeks ago and I just picked up a A1 Mini on sale, which arrived last week. (I had 150 gift card refund due to the sale happening so soon after I replaced my X1C order). Just joined here and I look forward to learning and printing your awesome hard work. Fantastic to hear you use a Bambu Labs printer too.


did you add extra details to the Death star control panel here vs what is in the files? Did you just paint it in the slicer or are they different models for the screens, etc?