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Unfortunately my hands (especially my right) have begun to feel some tendon tightness in the pinky, down to the wrist, so I am going to have to not draw for a few days to hopefully allow them to heal a bit.

I am not sure exactly how much this will impact progress on the scene, but I'm hoping I can finish it in as few sessions as possible due to this.  Simply just holding my phone or typing on a keyboard seems to make the tightness worse.

I wasn't able to make any progress today, but thankfully I managed to find some time during the week to render both key positions in Flash, so the next step now will be to time the speed of the thrusting and then the rest of the body parts will follow that motion.

I have isolated many of the main body sections into their own layers, which will have responses to another body section, thus allowing me a lot more efficiency with animating the overall wave of motions.




Health is most important. I think you should rest until your condition gets better.