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The coordinates for all the big pieces that need to move are finalized, so now it's just a matter of joining them together.

I've already done the arms, and I'm really happy with how easily I was able to estimate the direction of travel the elbows would go in, making the rest of the arms much more convenient to finish.

The last two separate pieces that need animating are the hair and breasts reacting to the head and torso movements.  I suspect that would definitely take one whole drawing period if not two periods.  Oh, and I need to remember to animate the zipper, of course.

It's not confirmed yet, but I'm planning to ask someone to voice over these scenes with Marina.  There aren't many words, if any, that are being said by Marina, but she would definitely be moaning and making dirty noises here.

Also, I'm going to do a poll asking about the next animation I have in mind, so check in next week to see what the result will be!




Breasts move will make me happy. Such huge boobs should move according to the man movement. Keep up the good work.