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Apologies for no update this week, for I've had a fever since Friday and was unable to keep my head clear enough to render scene 3's draft into Flash.  I found myself redrawing a lot of the male's hands and body while in Flash, so I think it might be more efficient to redraw those parts in Photoshop instead.

I did take an instant COVID test twice over the weekend though, and they both came up negative.  So, thankfully, this should just be some random illness that's caused me to become slightly feverish and have a harder time thinking spatially in my head.

Hopefully, next week, in February, I will be able to get cracking on rendering the scene in Flash with good progress!  My past few weekends were quite overloaded, but I'm planning to keep my upcoming weekends more open for my drawing time.

Apologies again for having no complete product in January!



Take your time. I am looking forward to your works, but it's important to stay healthy.


Thank you... I am thankfully feeling better by now, so I will do my best to keep it that way!