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I want to apologize again for the lack of new content this month after the last work!

Currently, I am beginning work on the second commission, but during the last two weeks, I have been busy with personal matters and family trips.  Thus, there has been no drawing progress since the last artwork posted...

However, I should be back on track with the second commission, and I hope to complete it before the end of June.  I will try my best to post in-progress screenshots here as well.

Also, this is the last commission I have planned, so after this, I will begin work on a new original work that I will hold a vote for.

In the meantime, here is a page from a short story I was attempting to draw, back in May of 2017.  It's not very good... but the last panel here I always was proud of.

So, I humbly ask for your patience again!




can't beat pov shots. Do you plan in the future to make short stories?


I think I would eventually like to, yeah! And yeah, POV shots are pretty great