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Heya guys!! Sorry for the inactivity this week, I have been working on original arts (handmade) for my boss, this bunny elf gal is one of those! ♥

I'll be this Sunday on Mike's house to talk with my boss about all the promotional part of the Artbook and the possibility to add more free gifts on the Luxury edition!

For now I have been doing specific arts for the promo (PNG'S and some animated gifs on his office), I can't show all what I've done this week unfortunately <'3


I hope you're having a great time here 🥰💖 I usually do weekly content! Please forgive me for being so inactive these days on all social media, I want the book to be PER-FECT! 

About the YCH's of Valentine's day! Please let me know if you received my emails!!! The ones that I've sent during the week were for this users:

  • psyphersoda
  • Cheonsa
  • Lucylust
  • Ydoucare 

I didn't got response during these days so please if you didn't got my email let me know in the comments here on DM me to send you the art this Monday 20th of February! I just want to make sure everybody got my mail ♥

I am still working on the slots for Megalordsalmon & Sandra Biersack! 

OUT OF THAT! I saw that the poll is going more for the big boi wolves and stuff but I still owe you the TWO BASES month, soo.... depending of the results and if I get more comments about which base you prefer, I'll be doing BOTH for March! 

I hope you have a great weekend and I'll see you when I come back to Barcelona! 🥰💖




Didn’t see an email 😭 but I can DM you my email address maybe I gave you the wrong one? Idk