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Hey guys... As you can see in the title I am without internet.

Why? Let me tell you what happened today!!

I was at home waiting for the man to put the internet on the house, at about 9:40 AM he came and he started with the installation.... All the time he was talking to me in German even if I said multiple times that I don’t know almost nothing of German 🥺 and well... he went outside of the house and started whispering for himself a lot and then the neighbor appears (she’s the owner of the house where I live now) and then she started to talk with the man very angry.

I was almost in panic 😅 without knowing what the heck was going on and why the neighbor was so mad with him... well the man of the wifi installation left the house and the neighbor started to talk to me in German again 😊 and I didn’t know what she said of course 🌸 then I phoned my bf and he explained me that the company that we ordered is not ok for her, then she made me took a photo of a newspaper (in German of course) and I sent it to my boyfriend... he told me that was a journal just roasting the company, basically is a company that is in Spain too and is not bad.

And well again I don’t know when I will have internet and I feel horrible... I have like 7 videos ready to upload here and a lot of sketches/illustrations.... well, I will try to upload some of them at the cybercafe 😓 I am so sorry again.... but I will upload content anyways, don’t worry!

Thanks for being here ❤️ I love you guys❤️



It's ok! We will be patient :)


Aaahh que desesperación xd y más porque te hablan en alemán aún cuando les dices que no sabes hablarlo, ay no que horror, tu no te preocupes que nosotros somos pacientes! 🖤✨ Además de que son cosas que están fuera de tu control, espero que todo mejore y puedas tener internet, animo bb 🥺🖤✨!


Ya ves... Estoy deseando mudarme de donde estoy ahora, todo no da mas que problemas!!! :( Espero poder daros mas contenido lo antes posible... ♥