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In this sheet you'll find all the data from the simulations used to figure out which strategies work, and don't work, when trying to min-max getting Tauforged shards under the new pity system. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BzQeZR9k3hkpZ9USiJPp2NkJDp5hnmp5uL9xiXLOODM/edit?usp=sharing

I've also attached the C# simulation code - bear in mind some edits will be necessary, such as to initial variables, to create the different scenarios. 



if you want to play with the code online: https://godbolt.org/z/eMcxGc9xE and if you're not interested in the assembly: https://godbolt.org/z/dK3r8K9Kr


The shared spreadsheet has been updated with an additional tab related to the corrected video. The sim code remains the same, you just need to remove the comment characters and move them down a couple lines in the sections handling what to do if yes/no tauforged drop.