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Yuki has been touched by all of her fans' concern for her well-being. It made her feel warm and fuzzy - or a least room temperature and drippy.

The boss was concerned, too. In her own special way.



Johnny Cooper

I did enjoy the dynamic between the two in this story, especially with Snow girl taking the initiative at the beginning with her mouth and worshiping that monster dick :) also, the Yen joke made me chuckle there, definitely always have to keep that in mind when importing - take away 2 zeros basically.


While I enjoyed this comic's art and story tremendously, I'm pretty let down by this ending. It's a disappointing cop-out after a long tease, in my opinion. To be honest, I was as excited as Yuki about the prospect of her being melted--it's what made the whole setup so novel. I understand not wanting to write off an original character, but it's a major letdown that her lover suddenly develops a conscience after having already committed to the act. It's like promising vore and then having the prey miraculously escape unharmed.


Anyway, still very satisfied with my purchase, and again, the art, story, and characters were fantastic. I hope after reading this, the creators consider making an additional page or two of an alternate, non-cannon ending for fans like me who followed the updates after being intrigued by the unique premise. I'm sure we'd be willing to pay if it were a Patreon exclusive.


Just a suggestion, though. Keep up the fantastic work, Monster Gang!


Neema definitely did not develop a sense of conscience. It's right there at the top of the page; She doesn't want to lose her job because she couldn't keep her dick under control.


Neema definitely did not develop a sense of conscience. It's right there at the top of the page; She doesn't want to lose her job because she couldn't keep her dick under control.


That's fair. Sorry if it seemed like I was misrepresenting the character. I definitely respect her choice in the narrative, and your decision as a writer--my only point was that, in this instance, it felt like the conclusion of the story undercut the satisfaction of the fetish. I understand, though, that, ultimately, you have to prioritize, and there probably wasn't a single ending that would have pleased everyone. If you had melted her, I'm sure plenty of Yuki's fans would have felt that Neema had been overly cold-hearted (pun intended), just like you implied in the original post.


Cool! Thanks for considering. Please think of my posts as the perspective of one reader and not a demand. Sorry again if I seemed overly critical--I'm crazy about 20 out of the 21 pages, and it's still one of hottest (again, pun intended) erotic comics I've ever had the pleasure of supporting. Some of your best work, which makes it easily among the best work out there.


Amazing comic, but what happened to the little guy?