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Hello my dear Yaszies. I write this message with much hesitation. I have now rewritten this mesasge at least a dozen times. Reason is simple. I have been battling a losing battle against the most horrible diseasea of all, for the better part of last 15 years. I write this update with much hesitation as it only makes me feel more submissive as well as making me submit to the disesea even more. Depression is an illness that one cannot describe. There is no cure, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. It is an ever compounding effect that, once it gets a grip on you, there is no way to tear loose of it. 

I can go on and on about the deep rant of how horrible it is, but there is no end to it. I am making this post to send out a quick update about why I have been silent across all social medias for the past 2 weeks or so. I am fighting a losing battle here and I must apologise for the lact of updates and interactions as of late. This has happened before, and it will happen again. I apologize deeply for it, but as time stands, I am completely disfunctional. This update alone, has taken almost 4 days to compose. This is how mad things are. 

This is not somethig you should reply to. This is not some attempt at farming sympathy. This is just an update on the state of Patreon as of now, because, upon advice whether I should cancel it all together or keep it open I find myself at a 50 50 exactly. Which does not help in any way. 

TLDR I am not well, please support my work on how you feel about it at the given time, because I am not well. Things are shaky and I do not wish to spread negativity to anyone. Please remain positive and only support my wotk if you are finantially  stable and feel like you want to do so at the given time, because my timeline may not be aligned with your own right now. 

My sincerest apologies,




I'm deeply sorry for your struggle. I'm sorry that life in the real world is being cruel to you. Just know that all we have at the end of the day is our perseverance and dignity. They aren't the mightiest weapons but in the face of grim forces they are all we have. I'm a huge fan of your work and would love it to continue but you must do what's best for your health. If more time to focus on that is what you need don't feel obligated to anyone to justify doing it. Your time is yours disease be damned.