Strict Time Records (Patreon)
Against all expectations I don't run a loosy goosy game. Sessions start at home and end there as well, days pass, training happens, odd jobs are performed and then BACK to the dungeon on Friday. The Troikan week is only 6 days long so it has a nice syncopation with our boring yahweh-ey 7. Is syncopation the right word? Either way, they drift past each other like predictable planets.
We all live at the Blancmange & Thistle, and can't go outside because it is RAINING (and I haven't built the neighbourhood yet) so instead the party descends into the basement extension which broke in to the telescoping anti-city every other week. Between those times I stock the dungeon by playing make believe with the pieces. The mandrills build a club house, the dwarfs repair their machines, the tigers die out, and so on. Once I named everyone living here the fun of playing with them exploded. They all have consistent experiences, little notes of times they got involved with the players; their numbers can dwindle, they can learn, they can die, they are cultural beings! In some ways the real game is playing between games, the players are the random generator that mixes things up.
It's all very normal. Random encounters, torches, rooms, doors. I can't imagine doing one-shots or short campaigns, can't even begin. When Troika gets a full blown new edition I think we all need a proper GM section to get on the same page.