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Hi cuties

(Lips by me)

TW: real life ✨ things ✨ below

I want you to know how grateful I am to you all for so many reasons. Tonight especially as I got some not so great news. Headliner is I’m fine, I have my health and I have been able to set aside some savings to help in case of emergencies due to your help ❤️.

Now onto the little hiccup in timing… over the past few hours I’ve been looking for a quick AirBnB as I’ve had a (what I thought was a simple) housing maintenance issue, turn into a “we need you to vacate the premises for a few days while we jack hammer your kitchen floor and fix the flooding under the house” 🥲

Good news is, after many hours of searching, and negotiations about my kitties, and surprise family guests for the holiday weekend, I’ve found a place and will be packing and moving tomorrow for about a week. It’s local and I can bring my little booth with me!

This will cause about a 1-2 day delay in upcoming audio posts and has made me cancel my booking at the quiet place.

Not to worry! There’s a plan, and I’m grateful to have this safety net. Thank you thank you thank you for supporting me and I hope that a 1-2 day delay in my V-Day audio won’t be too bad ~ because everyday is V day with me ;)

@Cosmic Rays supporters I’m sending you something a little extra in the #sprinkles channel for tonight that I hope you’ll enjoy ❤️

As always, I can’t thank you enough and I appreciate everything you do for me!




Snow Goon

Glad to hear you're doing okay. Take your time. Home repairs can be incredibly stressful, especially when they come out of left field.


We appreciate everything you do V. Glad to hear that you're okay. Take the time you need to get settled back in, and we'll be here when you get back! 💙💙