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Hi cuties! 

I know we're still in Halloween Hangout (or I am) but I am feeling like 2024 is already here and I want to be sure I am continually improving the offering to you! I have this idea that I think could be really fun but you tell me! 


  • December 2nd - Google Form for January Audio Ideas/Wishlist Audio/Audio Prompt are submitted by you. 
  • December 10th - Patreon Poll goes up with the audio ideas submitted for the month (the cap is 20 poll options so if we get more I'd be happily surprised, but I may make an executive decision as to which ones make it) 
  • December 15th - Patreon Poll ends and the winning selection will be the January exclusive for the month. 

Rinse & Repeat by replacing December for [Current Month] and January for [Next Month]. 

Example Audio Idea/Prompt Form 

Poll Example: 

I will post a separate poll and link it here and then edit this post as I can't have an audio and a poll all in one 😭 

Thank yooouuu!!!

🖤 V



Fireworks festival. For newyear.

Hate the Gam3 Productions

The idea of being able to submit our scripts anonymously for polling is very intriguing.