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art by tastysuccubus 

Hi cuties :D 

Happy Friday!!! Today, I bring you a script straight from the mind of THE u/fluff-cunningham that's not only a great friend, but also a great nerd ;) I say that in the most loving way possible. I came to him with this concept of me working at GameStop and had him take the story and run with it. I for one am a big fan of his rants and so he made sure this script had a fair bit of that in it, before getting to the sex

Synopsis: As much as you enjoy video games, the past couple years have left you too busy to play any! Now, your life situation has finally changed, and you can start making up for lost time. But what new games have come out recently? Are any of them even good? These questions, and more, can be answered at your local GameStop! The employee who's working there is eager to help you out...perhaps a little TOO eager...

I had so much fun with this audio, now it's your turn 😈 

More audios soon! 

🖤 V




Everyone else watching in the gamestop 😮