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art by amyidc_

Hiii cuties! 

Tada! The last art variant of the Tsun Bestie is of me just in an Apron :D you can see why I saved this one for the audio... 

I made sure to get some real bed sounds for this edit which consisted of me spending more time in my nice cozy bed which was a welcome added effort to make this extra immersive for you ~ 

The story goes... 
You're not feeling well and you aren't sure if you're coming down with an illness or you're just not feeling well in your spirit. You casually mention this to your best friend and she insists on coming over to take care of you. What kind of best friend would she be if she allowed you to suffer like that? Plus, how are you going to hangout if you're all gross and sick?! It's not like she enjoys being a caretaker... she's just good at it I guess...

Somehow I relate to this character. Shocking, I know. 

It can make me feel a little silly taking care of someone while trying to avoid all the sappy bits about it...

Fun fact, this apron in the art is based on one I was gifted :D I do wear it for special occasions, and taking care of my bestie would definitely be a special occasion <3 

🖤 V 
