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Sleepy V by minubear

Hi Cuties!

I was going through some of my voice recordings and saw that I had not one, but TWO clips that are over 6 hours each of just me passed tf out 😂

Let me back up a little bit... Often, when I come up with an audio concept, 9 times outta 10, I need the idea to "marinate" in my head for an indeterminate amount of time. When I'm really lucky, inspiration will hit, my neighborhood is quiet, and I've got the time to record all at once and I'll turn on the mic and get an excellent audio out soon after. But usually what happens is I need a few settings to figure out:

1) Intro/"Preamble"

2) Good contextual elements for why the characters are interested in each other/Plot points to set the scene

3) "The Turn" - What I call the portion of the audio where we've shifted from the intro to the build up towards the sex.


For the two recordings included, I'm sharing a very common part of the process for my audio creation. Midnight approaches, and I start to get a few lines in my head and I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE THEM so, I turn on my voice record and just start speaking until I can't anymore.

The first portion of the audio is me toying with what context to add to the Bitch Queen/Pillow Princeling audio which only has about two minutes of dialogue and then a bunch of sleep sounds up until...

16:10 - Where I include my first attempt at trying to sort out what the Sunday School Teacher audio would become, followed by more sleep sounds :D

I spliced out an easy listening amount of audio ~ 

For those of you that like cozy, maybe take a little nap with sleepy V 💤

I hope you're having an amazing weekend!!!

🖤 V

P.S. You may hear some anomalies because my cats like to get crazy at night :D



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