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Hi there :D

"secret" emote by @xotrieu

Recently, several lovely ladies and I sent Elle some blowjob sounds so she could enhance a very sexy audio of hers that's soon to be released publicly! We were all gifted with the fully edited [Blowjob ASMR] and are sharing with each of you!

It's pretty intense so I hope you're ready to sit back and enjoy yourself ✨

The Lovely Ladies include:

yumprincess (elle), beegeewanders, allureenchanted, daisy4dayz, lucyddreamwithme, lunarhiccups, redhairedmilf, snakeysmut, and me, V!

Don't forget to take a visit to the blowjob bar once it's live on GWA!

🖤 V




OMG heaveeeeen! 😍 Complete heaven. I just completely adore how every one of you puts such care and attention into the craft. And with such distinct personality that we could actually pick each of you out of a lineup.