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Hi Honey! :D 

art by @anygoart 

Thank you to all those that voted in Discord for the nickname/petname to be used in this audio ("Honey")! Now I can confess to you that I had originally planned to use "Daddy" but felt I had used it too much lately. I appreciate those of you that voted pointing me in the right direction. 

Onto the audio... I was recently gifted an item from my wishlist that's mentioned and I wanted the first audio I used it for SFX in to be as down to earth as possible. I really enjoy the idea of a couple learning new ways to please each other and sort of existing in their own little world when they're together. 

I found it relatively "easy" to improv through this, I really hope you enjoy! 

You've taken the day off with your loving girlfriend. Rather than go out and about together, you both decide to stay in and have a nice relaxing day away from the pressures of day-to-day work. After some time alone gaming, you check on her to see what else she has in mind...

Thank you so much for listening! I hope you enjoy! 

🖤 V 

P.S. I've recently gotten more responses on the anon feedback form and I'm taking each piece of feedback into consideration. This helps me a ton thank youuuu!!! 



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