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top row artists: asuchanmeow, uyu_arts, vanillatea_er, MetaramaArt, melumii
bottom row artists: uyu_arts, Harper, usagibaka, melumii, dazzle

Hi there!

I hope you enjoy the V-mojis and are excited for upcoming art!

I recorded this while I was in this amazing quiet space, waaayyyy up in the country. Nothing super official but secluded enough that I didn't have to worry about leaf blowers and helicopters at all hours of the day :D I'd love to go back soon! I started a fund here for anyone that enjoys the sound of this audio and would like to contribute <3


There's no need to feel pressured to chat, I want you there so you can see all the previews and audio alerts and upcoming things that sometimes just don't make it onto Patreon :D

More script fills are coming from some of your favorite writers, as well as collabs with your favorite performers...

Goals and how you can help!

I'm about 53% of the way to my first goal of 2023, which is to double the amount of subscribers I have from 2022. Eventually, I'd love to triple my subscribers.

How you can help:

Like, retweet, upvote, comment, share my posts with your friends, let me know what Patreon audios are your favorite, share your feedback so I can get even better <3

In a little bit I'll be releasing a public audio, script by u/fluff-cunningham with some [Pet Play], which was recorded in the quiet space, I hope you're all ready ~

🖤 V

P.S. is a manga panel legit enough for a milestone reward? Is there something that would be better? Let me know!


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