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eyes by anygoart

Hi there cuties! 

As I was all wired in bed, I wanted to do another catch up so that you all know I'm still actively working on audios and art and Discord upgrades and, and and... Just things to enhance your experience as Patrons. 

A few things mentioned... 

Discord has some role updates, more to come! I'm working with an emote artist on some custom icons floating in my head, I'd love your feedback on them! I'll be prioritizing the Sugar-Free Daddy, Serenity & Cosmic Rays tier icons! 

Art is coming! The redesign is in the home stretch and I've been commissioning art like crazy. Some of you have been super kind and helped me with these efforts via Throne and I am incredibly grateful for that. I seriously would not be able to afford all of these emotes and upcoming art pieces without it! You can track progress in the #gifts-n-lil-treats channel

Staying consistent but not boring ~ I try and do my best with this, but as always I'd love your feedback! Even if it's just a "like" on the audios you enjoy here or you can send me a note on my anon form ❤ 

More audios to coooooommmeee...

🖤 V 

P.S. the comment mentioned 



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