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scroll to the bottom for the TL;DR (Apologies for any recording anomalies or my neighbors acting up)

OC Redesign: I've been voice acting for over 2 years now (wild) and I want to finally have a true art reference I'm not only stoked about, but one that motivates me to buy more art for you all to enjoy with my audios! This is a super expensive process so I've added a few spots on my Throne Wishlist for anyone that wants to support ❤ 

Get My Puppy Back Home: My ex has finally conceded to give my puppy back, but he's halfway across the country, in the middle of no where, and says he "can't afford" to send him back and "doesn't trust" that the puppy can fly on his own. So, I'll be carving out time to raise funds to pay for me to fly there and back, safely, and return without anything unexpected happening along the way.

Voice More Animations: For those of you that have followed me on Twitter, you've seen me do a few animations I've been extremely proud of, in 2023, I want to do that even more, and hopefully voice a full length episode or two!

Cook For Myself More: Rather than have some arbitrary "I'm going to get to the gym" or whatever, I'm going to just be more mindful of what I consume. Plus it gets me an excuse to take some time and focus on something I love, food!

Self Sustaining: In 2022, I had a number of unexpected expenses and each time, your support has gotten me through those hard times. I'm taking that as a sign to invest more in what I love, and take my audio work more seriously for my future. This means stronger milestone rewards and promotion to make what I do truly worth it.

Unplug for 48 Hours: I haven't taken much (if any) time off that didn't include work, in 2023, I am going to make it a goal to find a campground or something close by where I can just read a book for two days and truly unplug... So long as I'm caught up with all my work elsewhere :D

More Discord Events: I've been super humbled and incredibly grateful for my Discord community. As we continue to grow, I want to give it more attention and host more events so it can be an even more fun place to be! 

Thank Myself More: A few years ago, I saw Snoop Dogg say "I wanna thank me" when receiving his Hollywood Star. It's always been something I've secretly wanted to be able to have the confidence to do. However, what better time than now?

Celebrate More Milestones: I really enjoyed doing Patreon and Subreddit milestones in 2022, as I look to expand to even more platforms, I'd like to continue to do that and provide rewards along the way as time permits! Right now I'm about 50% of the way towards my next Patreon goal and 200 or so followers from my next Subreddit goal :D

Charity efforts aren't going anywhere. I've partnered with a great many creators in our community to raise funds for a number of great causes, and all those efforts will continue and be more frequent in 2023!

Learn To Take a Compliment: I promise I'm not a "Tsun". I'm just a naturally shy person and it's very difficult for me to think that something I've done might be special or warrant extra attention. Here's hoping by the end of 2023, I'm a less of a blushing mess. 

TL;DR - I want to level up. Please, show your support for me in any way you can because all of it matters, all of it counts, and I'm grateful you'd even consider it. 

Thank you ~ 

🖤 V


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