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Hi cuties! 

One key things I've changed this year, especially in the latter part, is including more art with audios. I'd like to do this even more as your support continues and grows! 

Something that would help me a lot is if you could share which artists you'd love to see more, and even provide some suggestions for more artists! 

P.S. I am already speaking with a new artist about somewhat of a re-design of V, more to come in early 2023! 

Multi-Choice examples below:

  • Succuboos 

  • Madyaxx

  • renvirs_

  • Celi 

  • Krystal

  • Trashtou



I rlly love the level of detail of succuboos' art and the vibe of revirs' art but ultimately the art style, vibe and perspective of Celi's art was just that much better imo. They're all incredibly talented obviously but for me it would have to be Celi for sure


Thank you so much! She's so hard to book! haha but I do love her piece a ton!