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Sex Kitten Part 1 is here! 

Thank you all so much for being patient with this, and Happy Halloween! 

Your good friend is a VIP at a local "club" and thinks you would enjoy the features and benefits of a similar membership, including, access to high end escorts. Tonight, you decide you want to treat yourself and make a call to your club concierge... But who is this cute clumsy girl falling into your arms? She certainly can't be what you ordered...

TBH, I'm not sold on this title but after tossing a few back and forth I settled on this (for now). Let me know if you think of a better one :D 

I hope this is a nice start to your week :D

🖤 V  



Wow! From meltingly adorable to "choke me daddy" in, what, four minutes? That's a heck of a range, but in your hands it's sooooo smooth and believable (and even sweet). I love this premise so much. Also, yay every time for a non-porny representation of sex work in the real world, mundane details and all.


:D thank you so much, Fix!!! I’m so happy it was smooth and believable! I do try as much as I can to do that and hoooraaayy for positive sex kitten work 😍🥰