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Happy Sunday! 

I hope the start to your week has gone well so far! This script is by the amazing u/livejoker for lil ol' me. This is also the first audio of mine edited by u/BizTheUnicorn! Thanks to all of your support I've hired Biz to do the initial clean up edit of some of my audios so that I can get them to you all faster, and gain a bit more time back to create. I'm still doing the SFX and leveling work but I think this is a great first start :D 

Summary ~ 

You're walking back to your apartment after a concert, though this time a pair of worn-out sneakers walk next to yours. A punk rock girl bumped into you as she trashed in the moshpit. Your eyes met, love-struck as she apologized for spilling your drink. She asks if she can crash at your place for the night and you say yes. She giggles as you slowly unlock your front door...

🖤 V

P.S. pretty please no "singing" judgement 🫣



How dare you be so merciless hitting us with THE FEELS. I was all ready for a nice sweet-sexy first time, and that would have been plenty satisying (especially with that fun vivid scene of post-concert couch-crashing and all). But then to go all-in on reassurance and vulnerability and soothing and that melt-worthy aftercare... and... and... I don't know what to say. So unfair.


Awww :D but I love hitting you in the feels!!!! Always happy to make you melt with all the emotional vulnerability. So happy you enjoyed this, Fix! 😭