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Hey there, 


Okay this one needs some disclaimers. I took all of the tags you voted for to heart and came up with this. It’s kinda difficult for me to do these enemies roles and it was even harder for me to make it a "lovers" transition. 



Okay, this character is a bitch in every sense of the word, she says a few mean things about the listener's dick but mostly in a way that is meant to paint her out as aloof and uninterested. I tried to keep this as light as possible but if there is anything about the above description that you could be sensitive to, please do not listen and send me a message about adjustments to this trope and I'll make an edited version to post in the next few days.

The story goes...

Your evil co-worker that's always breathing down your neck is stuck with you tonight. You both had a miscommunication about critical details and now you have to pull an all-nighter. She spends the time berating you in every possible way, from bringing up your ex, intimate details, and challenging your work ethic. She proposes something unconventional, to both quiet some rumors and "get the job done"...

P.S. My travel will be calming down next month and I've got a much better schedule and time set aside after dropping some hours at my part time job and traveling thrice for my full time job. I appreciate you all for being patient. More audios to come! 

🖤 V



These tags have me all kinds of excited!!


:D Hooray! I hope you love it!!!! Thank you!!