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I was given the privilege of working with the amazingly talented u/HomerSoc_ on this super fun, super spicy script! 

One of the last classically trained chefs works for a starship, making sure the crew gets the best food on their long voyages. She's taken on an apprentice lately. He's maybe not the best she could have picked from that last world they stopped at, but she wasn't necessarily going for cooking skill.

I hope you all love it! I certainly doooo :D 

🖤 V

P.S. Are you having a good start to the week? Don't forget to treat yourself to something yummy! 



Amazing audio/script! The SFX too, SHEESH 🥶


Obviously, passion is a huge part of these type of audios in general. Erotic passion is everywhere, although only the best can deliver it was well as you do in this audio. I'll come back to that later. But there's also the passion for cooking here. The reason I could run with the story prompt you gave me is that I also enjoy cooking, at least as a something to watch and learn about, even if frozen pizza is more my speed. So the idea resonated with me a bit, and it was fun to run with the idea of a chef. Cross it with some scifi and a starship? That's literally an idea that I could see myself having anyway. The chef's commitment to and love of her craft came through in your voice with every bit of intensity as the moans of passion later. Food and sex have an ancient and mystical connection in my mind anyway, so the passion for cooking carried over very well into the sexual passion later. But there's also another passion here, that another artist has for their craft. And that's your devotion to creating superiorly sexy audios. You are every bit the artisan that the chef is in this audio, both in the kitchen and the bedroom. As she works wonders with a knife and some raw ingredients, so to do you with your voice, a microphone, and a script. In this audio, those three passions form the basis for a wonderful dish, like a mirepoix or the Cajun trinity, except these were no humble ingredients like onions or celery here, and the result is not just a dish, but an entire full course meal, with every course served up on a silver platter, to compliment your golden voice. I loved the audio effects. They put me into a Star Trek mood and I felt like the changes you made in the script hinted at that even more, while still keeping it vague enough. The ambient noise from the ship and the sounds of automatic doors being opened, or a tray being set down, or even the sound of you lightly pushing the apprentice away until you were ready for him added so much to the story. And of course the sexy moans and the sounds of bodies moving together once again and will always be the best special effects in your audios, because as great as something you can off of the internet is... real is better. I loved the little changes you made to the audio here and there. I probably didn't catch them all. And honestly there weren't that many. It's the chef checking the plate their apprentice has served up, and making sure it matches their style and everything is immaculate. I take it as high praise that I could come up with words that could match your prompt well enough where you could so easily go into it and make it your own, and then turn around in short order and produce a professional audio. Chef's in real life and especially on tv have to work with ridiculous time constraints. But despite all of that, they so often manage to work miracles in that time, which is precisely what you'd done here. I think I loved your voice most of all in this, which spills into your acting a bit. At the beginning you were professional and warm enough, and passionate in your career. But when things turned sexy, there's just something that happens with your voice. You take something that is already perfect, and elevate it beyond that while also transforming it. The way you caressed entire sentences with your voice and ended them with sensual emphasis on the last few words, or punctuated the sentences with sexy subvocalizations were worth a Michelin star. Or at least a Homer star. Except you already had a star to begin with. Or rather, you are one. Thanks for floating the story prompt with me in the first place. It's always so flattering when a performer is interested in your writing, although it's rare that I find that I could run with an idea not mine so easily. But it was a great idea, and as I mentioned something I could conceivably have come up with on my own. But without the possible reward of knowing you might record the result, I might not have had the motivation to complete it. I definitely took home the grand prize today with this audio. Thank you for recording this, and for once again making something amazing that will join your other audios in having a special place in my memories. And perhaps that is one case where technology does have it advantages. I can click on the link again in the future, and listen to this audio again and again, while a specific meal can only be enjoyed once. But this audio will always be fresh, no matter how many times I listen to it. So once again, thank you for this cornucopia of talent, pleasure, and most importantly a bit of you, because it's a gift that is truly infinite.


HOMER AAAHHHHHHHHHH WHY ARE YOU SO NICE TO MEEEEEE!!! I appreciate this feedback more than I can ever express. Thank you for taking the idea and running with it, thank you for allowing me to share it here and thank you for continuing to share your talents with so many of us. You're amazing 🖤