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Hiii! :D

I'm so excited to share with you all that one of the new writers I'm working with is the AMAZING Angel Main! I've loved their scripts, especially the ones of the Monster Girl/Fantasy flavor. I'm lucky enough to have a shared creative space with them and approached Angel with this idea and he took it and ran with it to say the least! That paired with this amazing art by anygoart wraps this up nicely as a pretty solid Succubus Sexytime 😈


"When people think of demon summoning, the first thing that comes to mind is a hooded figure mumbling incomprehensibly in a poorly-lit room. Well, that couldn't be further from the case here. You're just an average person, with a successful career, and who's always been a bit of a favorite with the ladies. You've stumbled upon a succubus-summoning ritual in a dodgy website, promising an enlightening sexual experience, and thought something along the likes of "eh, worth the shot". It certainly sounded like bullshit, but... it actually worked!

As the demoness arrives, there seems to be a bit of a clash of expectations. You're very different from her usual clients, and she's certainly not behaving like the women you're used to. As you two figure things out and she shows her real personality, however, the night ends up even better (and steamier) than either of you could have imagined."

Enjoy this late night special ;)

<3 V




I loved the idea that the listener was big on consent and that the succubus revealed her true self. That made it so much better and sex positive.