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I've had a lot going on in the past few weeks. I fell ill with Corona for the fourth time at the beginning of December and have had major health problems again since then, which have made it almost impossible for me to work the many hours at the computer. 

In general, my health is extremely critical after contracting a virus last September - I was in hospital and had severe pain in my arms and legs for weeks, among other things, and it remains unclear what this was and is due to.

On top of all that, we recently had a death in the family.

And despite everything, I have released a set every month, even if the work has demanded a lot from me at times.  

At the moment I'm visiting my parents and although I would love to spend time with my family, I spend most of the day sitting in front of the computer instead of baking cookies with my nephews, who I hardly ever see cuz we live so far away from each other. Because, like every month, another set is due to be released at the beginning of January. 

Tonight I also sat at the PC until midnight to create a little Christmas surprise for you, which I will upload to CurseForge. 

With this in mind it makes me so incredibly sad to read all those nasty comments on my site. 

I'm not made of stone, nor am I a robot. I'm really not feeling well at the moment and to top it all off, I have to be insulted here. 

Please take your hate elsewhere right now and if $5 for a set is too much for you, you don't have to buy it. There is a lot of free content out there and I'm sure you can find my sets on sites where you don't have to pay anything as well. 

I'll be able to devote more time to SIMS updates when I'm mentally stable and healthy again. 

Until then, I would like to ask for a little humanity in a virtual world 💚





i just found your page and was shocked to read some of the things people were saying to you under your posts :( i hope you start to feel better soon, take care of yourself <3

Hannita (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-31 02:37:16 I don't want to add ''hate'' but lovely lady, EA has put rules in place for CC creators, which it doesn't seem that you're following. All of the creators I know unlock their content for free after 3 weeks. I appreciate you want money for your work, and you have currently (according to Patreon) 500 paid members meaning your earnings are (calc'd on your base tier) $2,500 per month (more than a lot of people in a FTJ). It seems very unscrupulous not to follow rules, and also to not accept responsibility for not following those rules. Now I wish you all the best, however, you should start following rules like everyone else.
2023-12-30 12:08:09


No one owes you anything just because other creators do things differently. And you are so wrong about the rules. EA states that content has to be released within a reasonable amount of time (https://help.ea.com/en/help/the-sims/the-sims-4/mods-and-the-sims-4-game-updates/#policy), and that's solely at the discretion of the creator. EA didn't state a specified amount of time because they don't have one set. If you don't know what you're talking about, you shouldn't make hurtful statements. You have no idea how much time and effort goes into the creation of the content. You don't know how much of the monthly fees go towards Patreon's cut or taxes. You're just out here telling people that it's not fair that you can't get stuff for free faster and that their income is "enough." If you can't wait a month for content to be released, go somewhere else or make your own. FFS, the amount of entitlement in your post is ridiculous. I hope you read this and apologize to ClutterCat for being ignorant of the policy.

Jamie Hebert

Just joined the Bengal club for now. Hope you are feeling better. I know being sick sucks.