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Welcome to the Sundry, patron! Make yourself at home and peruse Shiny’s collection.

This version of the Sundry contains item cards suited for both digital and physical use. Have a blast!

Uncommon shinies

Adhesive Scarf (Digital | Print)

No longer living, but still animated by residual necromantic spells, this mimic-made scarf can trap prey just as it did while living and it is also fashionable in any corner of the realm.

Belt of Overconfidence (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

There's a certain kind of warrior who's not content with a mere win. For them, there's more to battle... the dance of death is a spectacle to be held and beholden! They take chances, betting their own lives, for a chance at greatness.

This belt brings their passion to reality - fanning flames of courage.

Blackbeetle (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Life teems on the tiny Scyllian Island, which roams the seas covered in flora and fauna originated in the Feywild. The island is, truly, a creature disguised by rock, soil, and plants, and it attracts prey with its lush environment.

The black beetles that live on it are responsible for the exuberant landscape, filling the soil with nutrients through magic.

Bolas of Overwhelming Force (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

Much of an Artificer's job is figuring out how to bend the laws physics with magic. Thrown bolas would lose momentum as they spin through the air, but add magical gears inside them and they generate even more energy.

I knew you wouldn't get it, but that's how magic works!

Cat’s Paw (Digital | Print)

Most soldiers in the Court of a Thousand Cat’s army wield a Cat’s Paw. They host fencing tournaments for the court and their Prince to witness their swordsmanship. The most skilled and entertaining of fencers becomes the Knight of a Thousand Cats.

Conduit Coils (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Some martial artists are capable of transforming their bodies into veritable weapons through extreme discipline in grueling training regimens. Those who wear the conduit coils attain the powers of lightning, but their training also includes getting used to stronger and stronger electrical discharges.

Couatl Helmet (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

The Couatl is also called the Divine Caretaker, for they watch over the people dedicated to divine virtues. They can be gentle, conferring aid and ease, but also fierce, unleashing holy punishment when needed.

Climber’s Snare (Digital | Print)

More than finding their bearing through the secret paths of the mountain, the climbers must find ways to keep them hidden. These climbing tools are made to aid in their journey and to hinder those who seek to follow them.

Evoker’s Scroll (Digital | Print)

With the abundance of evocation spells being flung in battle and adventuring in general, Shiny knew she could invent something that'd take advantage of all the energy spent on slinging them.

The Evoker's Scroll employs general evocation runes that react to the basic components of evocation spells, ensuring their owners are always ready to capitalize on them.

Flying Sword (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Those with a strong desire to lead and protect seem to stumble into this mysterious sword. It is unknown if it was forged in the image of the proud giant eagles or with the remnants of celestial creatures, but its good nature is undeniable.

Guillotine (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

When the War of Knots became truly desperate, the creation of a new order of Knights was to aid in the war effort could turn it in the realm's favor. The king ordained the executors, ordering the forging of Guillotines to match the brutal fighting style they would employ.

Roaring Thunder (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

A powerful hunter of demons, devils, and undead had his missions cut short far too soon after losing his hand in a battle. Forced to retire, this warrior of flashy style has left his explosive swords behind, a gift for the new generation.

Sentient Peephole (Digital | Print)

When mimics are domesticated by ingenious wizards, amazing wonders can be achieved. Through the shapechanging and replicating capabilities of mimics, a living connection can be made between a person and a few objects through the little monsters.

Spying, security, and administration can be handled by a single person from afar by adding the arcane lock spell to the mix.

The Handshake (Digital | Print)

People in inventor and artificer circles say that the first invention you show someone is like a handshake. Shiny took this one a little too literally…

Turncoat (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Being sewn from the furs of magical beasts, these coats inherit their strength and life-force, animating themselves to protect the people who wear them. Under the command of the Duke of Seams, they are employed as bodyguards for fey royalty of the Court of Needles.

Vengeful Scabbard (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

Bloodthirst is the driving force of many warriors that seek adventures throughout the world, so it is not surprising that it could be used as emotional fuel to power magical items. Scabbards like these were produced to be wielded by vengeful knights who had their leaders taken from them, carried both as sign of their oath and mourning.

Whetstone Dagger (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

Adoration can take many forms: prayer, tribute, sacrifice... Some scholars say that adoration can even manifest itself in simple habits. These scholars say that the battle preparations warriors take can be a form of adoration for the gods of war and victory.

This Whetstone Dagger would be the perfect proof for their hypothesis, as the calming sharpening of blades in the dusk and dawn before wars has made it magical and a warrior's best friend.

Rare shinies

Angel Herb (Digital | Print)

Angel Herb grows on fields that went untouched by the transforming hands of mortals or that were touched by the purifying wings of celestials. Suffused with positive energy from undisturbed nature or original of Mount Celestia, they are unmatched for producing healing substances.

Beads of Spring (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

The folk that live deep in the forests, weeks away from any town, is used to living alongside the creatures that inhabit it - dryads, treants, shambling mounds and other animated plant life. They share their wisdom, and, therefore, see individuality even in simple trees.

Through hairstyling traditions passed from generation from generation, they seek to attain the state of mind clarity only trees can reach, inseparable from the forest they live in.

Bondcutter (Digital | Print)

This is an artifact of the Fae, once used by hags to manipulate the strands of fate itself. Its powers have been reduced since it's been brought to the realms of mortals, now only capable of cutting the arcane bond between spellcasters and their spells.

Bulette Breastplate (Digital | Print)

Nowhere's safe from the Bulette Knight... They'll come from down below the ground or striking from the air! Beware the tunelling, springing Bulette Knight!

Devilish Bow (Digital | Print)

Much accustomed to the workings of the infernal legions, this bow helps its wielder in finding enemies and striking their targets true, but can’t dismiss the banter. A scheming little devil, it can’t hold back from having some fun, specially at the expense of its owner.

Dimensional Puzzle Cube (Digital | Print)

When you have the power of reality-bending magic at your finger tips... you can also make games! Dimensional Puzzle Cubes were really popular between students - and some professors - in the Arcanorum until their "gifts" started causing trouble.

Some of them made it outside, for better or worse.

Drum of Dancing Flame (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

A rich and diverse society comprised of humans, dwarves, dragonborn and lizardfolk flourishes at the foot of Ashspew Mountain, a volcano of titanic proportions. The people inhabit villages all around the mountain and, as the tropical sun shines, they revere the spirits of the deceased as they are spilled with the volcano's ash.

Equipped with flame, lava and ash adorned instruments, they dance, replicating the movement of the spirits in the sky and celebrating their presence renewed among them.

Cloak of Cnidaria (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

"Are you sure it does not sting, sir...?

- Concerned coat keeper tending to the latest arrival.".

Dumbbell of Flexing (Digital | Print)

The Flex Guild was a band of mercenaries with a single goal in mind: being the strongest in the field. Their dedication was unmatched, but little could be done against the spellslingers that they faced - conjurers of the elements, channels of the gods and even benders of reality.

The Flexers didn’t give up. Their ceaseless training and belief in the power of muscles gave birth to mystical apparel, such as the Dumbbell of Flexing, that could give them the magical edge needed to meet their goal.

Glazed Armor (Original | Variant | Print)

The Order of Salamander Tongue’s members are knights who hunt exquisite and dangerous ingredients in regions most people would not leave alive. To face the dangers these extreme locations - and their inhabitants - pose, some of them don Glazed Armor, made from a baked alloy of incredible resistance.

Hammer of the Golem-maker (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Golems are usually made to keep a location safe, the proverbial guardian. As making one of them requires many expensive resources, hours of dedication, and powerful transmutation magic, one golem-maker decided have some of that power always on hand.

Harvest Moon (Original | Variant | Print)

Mortals have long depended on the waxing and waning of the moon to determine the changing of seasons and, therefore, of the rythms of their lives. The moon is also closely related to other transformations, such as those of lycanthopres and other shapechangers.

By revering the celestial body, the common folk can imbue tools with its magic - ensuring nutrition and protection.

Heliotrope (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Inspiration can strike any type of artist, fanning the flames of creativity and making the birth of a grand work possible. The creator of the Heliotrope was marveled by a sunflower field and their ceaseless seeking of the Sun.

This shield is empowered by the Sun, being able to store its heat and to mimic its properties: burning and giving life.

Leyline Shroud (Digital | Print)

Most naturally magical phenomena can be traced to Leyline nodes, say some sages in the Arcanorum. They postulate that these mystical energy lines thread the cosmos with arcane power, giving birth to rejuvenating springs and magical beasts, and also having a hand in the casting of spells.

This shroud turns its owner into a Leyline node themselves, affording power and magical countermeasures.

Lightreaders (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

As the elves of Gyl'bannon fared the whole cosmos, shoring on any planes they could plot charts to, their expertise grew beyond the expected areas of knowledge. Sure, they could predict getting well trained in sailing, swordplay, and foraging due to their odd adventures in odder lands... but walking?

Having walked in as many roads as there are stars, the cobblers of Gyl'bannon created boots that could produce no sound and leave no trail no matter the terrain, their wearers stopping at nothing on the way.

Mirror Shard (Digital | Print)

Creatures of the night are always at a disadvantage when fighting under light. This sword was made by a cunning devil to tip the scales in their direction, been empowered by light when facing the day-dwelling folks.

Missile Snare (Digital | Print)

After Shiny was expelled from the Arcanorum, she made her life by accompanying adventuring parties or merchant caravans and lending them her magical knowledge. One thing that always scared her in those days were ambushes, specially ranged ones.

She came up with the Missile Snare to keep the bandits’ arrows away and sleep more peacefully under the wagons.

Quiver of Cutlery (Digital | Print)

A Salamander Knight can hunt game as hunter, but they must always think as a cook. That's why they employ these cutlery arrows, aiming to capture, but also to prepare a meal as battle starts.

River’s Run (Digital | Print)

As the Silverfish embodies the river's current, this scimitar empower's its wielder with the river's might. Crashing blows and fierce advances ensure that they are a force to be reckoned with.

Salamander Fryer (Digital | Print)

The magic forged into this weapon through the depiction of the Salamander Tongue crest allows warriors to use their cooking skills as a weapon in itself. The flames conjured by the crest sear those foolish enough to attack its wielder.

Scribe’s Bane (Digital | Print)

Mortals were not always as proficient with magic as they are nowadays: once upon a time, only communion with the gods could produce miracles. The first form of communing was wrought with words - mortality's first magic form.

In the Department of Scriptomancy of the Arcanorum, the ancient art of words is mixed with state-of-the-art magic disciplines, yielding results such as the Scribe's Bane.

Scribe’s Safeguard (Digital | Print)

Scriptomancy can see much use outisde the confines of the Arcanorum, being considered a useful tool by even the less studious kinds of spellcasters.

Nature wardens, miracle workers and even mechanical savants can find a good reason for sporting the Scribe's Safeguard - protecting themselves from magic and expanding their spell repertoire in one go.

Silkmail Coat (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

In the depths of the Underdark crawl many twisted versions of things of the surface world. Down there, spiders grow titanic and are revered, instead of squashed, and the people that leave around them harvest their miraculous silk.

Away from the light, this spider silk flows like malleable coils of steel - hardy, but flexible, and soft to the touch. Clothes weaved from it are always a perfect fit and their capabilities are revealed by shade.

Silverfish Scale (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

The Silverfish is an elusive creature that inhabits special bodies of water. These sacred rivers that house such fish are especially bountiful, assuring the survival of many fishing communities, but they can also flood in violent mood shifts.

Each of these rivers can only house one Silverfish, the embodiment of the flowing waters themselves.

Tentacle Manacles (Digital | Print)

The necrotic spells carved into these manacles attract the spirits of abyssal spirits to restrain and harm their prisoners.

Tonic of Ardent Might (Digital | Print | Tonic of Frigid Intellect)

Cauldron Crust is a Kobold who was left behind in the wake of a nest invasion by pesky adventurers who forced the litter's Dragon Queen to move her hoard. The party took pity of this smallest and last Kobold of the litter, naming him Cauldron Crust - all that is left after a meal is prepared.

The party eventually died fighting an insurmountable evil and the Kobold grew in the alleys of the capital, eventually being picked-up by a con artist called Xan Rockman due to his deft fingers and great sense of smell.

Xan was a grifter, but also an artificer - creating inventive artifacts to trick his clients. Cauldron Crust followed suit and learned from Rockman and, eventually, set on to make his own cons, heists and darings.

After a few years, Crust found his way back to Xan in a distant realm, both penniless. They concocted a plan to find riches - their Greatest Con! Each drafted a brew which would empower those who drank it, but would also somewhat ail them. Their golden ticket was the following: if you drank from the other grifter's tonic, you'd be cured from the first ailment, but would get a new one which could be cured by the first potion.

Their flawless plan did not work. People would rather curse you after your beverage makes them ill.

Wide Brim Hat (Digital | Print)

Pointy and wide-brimmed hats have captured people's imaginations as the greatest symbols of witchery and magic. This is the imagined hat, seemingly plucked out of dreams, capable of producing wonder and solutions with a simple flick of the wrist.

Very rare shinies

Blooming Guard (Digital | Print)

The crafts of the fey are deeply entwinned with the workings of life itself, specially of flowers and undomesticated nature. This shield bonds with its wielder, being able to grow in their defense and even regenerate their flesh through life's sheer determination to thrive.

Broodmother’s Sickle (Digital | Print)

An Ankheg broodmother is a fearsome creature, more ferocious than any of its broodmates can dream to be. Those brave enough to hunt one are almost always certain to leave no pieces of it behind, fashioning weapons and armor out of its body due to the power these tools can carry, but also due to the status they can confer.

Double Trouble (Digital | Print)

An Ettin's heads only bicker less between themselves than they bicker with other Ettins. The heads of this particular giant, transformed into a vicious weapon, fought so intensely with each other that their dispute surpasses death.

Draconic Shell (Digital | Print)

Dragon Turtles are creatures of unbridled might and few mortals can claim to have ever fought one, imagine killing one. This breastplate was made by scavangers who raided a Dragon Turtle's hoard and managed to pilfer some scales shed from its body and shell.

Gaggle of Geese (Original | Variant | Print)

Geese are reputed by many as terrifying creatures and some places even have them as guard animals. Beyond that, they are veritably chaotic creatures, their honks being able to irritate anyone and disrupt any activity.

This helmet makes its wearer as fearsome and disruptive as the gaggle itself.

Murder of Crows (Digital | Print)

Crows in a murder are capable of recognizing those that aid and befriend them, but also those who hurt their companions. They never forget a face. When they face an enemy too fierce to stand against, they elect a friendly face known to them and gift them with this dagger.

They seek revenge and gift their friend with shiny trinkets in hope their foes are dealt with.

Plate of Unity #01 (Very Rare | Legendary | Artifact | Print)

Under the constant threat of invasion by the Giant Warbands, the Unified Gnome Clans lived every day in despair. Their strength and numbers were never able to face the towering foes, no walls could stand in their way, and no weapons drove them away fast enough.

It all changed when a group of artificers united, pooling their sinister desires for revenge into an invention that could tip the scales of battle in their favor. The Plate of Unity was born out of their genius and of their unflinching determination, driven by a somber purpose.

Shield of Reflexions (Digital | Print)

Devils are always looking for ways of twisting and subverting laws to their own benefit. With this magical shield, they have taken the laws of light refraction and reflexion to combat mighty foes such as medusas, aberrations and even holy knights.

The Poet’s Journey (Very Rare | Legendary | Print)

Gyl'bannon was the Empire of Stars, headed by the elves of a distant age. Before it fell, its cities spanned the whole cosmos, holding harbors in the sea, the sky, and even among the stars.

Their love for ships was fabled, and so were their shipwrights and the marvelous vessels they could craft.

Legendary shinies

Insatiable Hunger (Digital | Transformations | PDF | Print)

The enclaves of onis hold a belief that your strength is raised by eating strong creatures. This shield holds a sinister power like this one, being transformed through the consumption of those who stand before it.

Arthropoda Set

Carapace (Original | Variant | Print)

Many Courts of the Fae are crossed by the same nameless river. Its mostly called the River and, as it passes through the gardens, palaces, and all sorts of weirdness in the Courts, it picks-up a bit of magic.

Around spots where the River leaks into the Material Plane, all sorts of magical beasts drink and flourish, ever-changing. Carapace was made from the remains of gigantic beetles that live by its waters and acquire a resistance to magic and force alike due to the magic they drink.

Ring of Web Slinging (Original | Variant | Print)

Spiders are, in many ways, alike hunters. They arm traps with their webs. They lie in patient wait for their prey. They honor the game by consuming it fully. It wouldn't take long for hunters to mimic them.

This ring makes it possible for a sharpshooter to always have their trusted weapon at hand and can provide an escape if the situation grows dire.

Venom Tail (Digital | Print)

There's a species of giant scorpion that suffered through experiments by a Cabal of desert wizards. These mages wished to make the beasts into weapons to overwhelm entire cities and, therefore, tried to control the whole brood directly.

What resulted of the psionic experiments was a kind of scorpion with psychic abilities, capable of reactivating traces of its venom in previous victims. Venom Tail is a whip made of such a creature's stinger.

Auriga Set

Set Bonuses (Digital | Print)

Auriga, the Cloak of Constellations (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Before the Astral Conflict took place, the civilization of Viastra kept its eyes on the sky. The viastrans were careful stargazers, astronomers that sought the secrets of the universe as they were written in the forms of constellations.

Auriga was the title given to the leading astronomer, the Grand Conductor who could read the paths of life in the stars.

Caelum, the Azure Cuirass (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Astravian philosophers postulated that the ways of a good life and a good death alike were traced in the night sky with cosmic threads of light, seeking to live purposefully and reaching Kalberith’s home.

The Grand Conductor was the one elected to take the astravians to this sacred place, protecting them with the wisdom of stars engraved into Caelum, their starred cuirass.

Vesper, the Evening Star (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Kalberith is the Lord of Souls, and it was of astravian belief that their final resting place would be with him, bathed in the fullness of starlight, the mysteries of the cosmos unveiled after death.

Wielding Vesper, the Grand Conductor was more than a leader: they were also a symbol of the astravians’ search for the Kalberith, holding the first in their own hands.

Booty of the Seas

Bottled Treasure (Digital | Print)

"- Aaaaaaargh!!!"

Some drunk pirate before passing out. Allegedly

Cutlass of Typhoons (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Passed between the hands of countless pirates through duels, ransacks and mutinies, this cutlass has come to represent the unpredictable and relentless nature of its owners by embodying the changing winds of the seas.

Deadman’s Eye Patch (Digital | Print)

The old adage of "dead men tell no tales" was made obsolete when the soul of the Dread Captain was captured by his own precious eye patch. He now endures inside it in undeath, sharing tales of his horrible deeds to haunt the victims of those who can impress him.

Eldritch Omen (Digital | Print)

Many pirates and regular sailors met their end beneath the cold, dark waves. Drowning is a common fate for the folk of the sea. Not so common, though, are those who find their ways to the shore once again - either living or dead.

Some of them are accompanied by strange, twisted weapons that teem with sea-life. These weapons bring an intense hunger and weird powers to those who bear them.

Flag of Death (Digital | Print)

Jolly roger, black flag, flag of death... many are the names given to the feared flags of pirates. These black pieces of cloth are capable of sending even the stalwart fleeing, but they also inspire the confidence and daring of a captain's mates.

Wavecrest Tricorn (Digital | Print)

No sailor can live a long life with no respect for the seas. Those who deeply love the waves can find luck, friendship and treasures abounding in long days of adventure.

Hellenic Treasures

Medusa’s Visage (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Legendary | Print)

When she refused the advances of the God of the Waves, Medusa was punished by the Twelve, transformed into a monster unable to look at her loved ones without turning them to stone. She now leads a revolt against the Gods as the Gorgon Queen, using the sinister power of her visage to slowly chip away at the mountain of their might.

The Springs of Pegasus (Rare | Very Rare | Legendary | Print)

Beyond flying and running into battle unafraid, it is said that the winged horse Pegasus overflowed with divine energy, making it sprout from the ground it touched.

Blessed by the horse itself, these sandals hold a fraction of its power, being able to rejuvenate soldiers who stand side by side in battle.

The Stygian Chimera (Art | Token | PDF)

The river Styx separates the world of the living from the underworld, leading the souls of mortals to their final places of rest. Where it joins the rivers Phlegethos and Lethe, the streams of fire and forgetfulness, the Stygian Chimera protects the Gates of Hell.

Reinforced by the essence of the underworld, the Chimera oversees the flux of souls into the Seven Citadels, placed there to make sure that no unwanted visitors get beyond the gates, be them invaders, spies, or merely adventurers on a dare.

It’s a creature born from the planes of death themselves, but it obeys the Devil Princes and their commanders, held under their control with a collar forged by angels in an ancient past. It was captured by Asmodeus, Prince of Lies, who could trick it with his silver tongue.

Deterred by the celestial collar, it can’t go against the orders it receives, but its rage, though its power is lesser than that of the Princes, probably would shake the Citadels to its core.

Jester’s Delight

Jester’s Friend (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

A jester can never know if their luck has run out until the last minute… so they keep on counting on it. This coin is held dearly by desperate clowns, as belief goes it can attract a last bit good luck even in the darkest of times.

Mask of Fools (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

Despite being marginalized in many societies, those called fools can hold positions of importance in certain cultures. Sometimes regarded as the voice of reason in a ruler’s ears, they can use their talent with words, costumes and tomfoolery to influence the ways of their realms.

As certain as their skill, though, is the fact that their luck will one day run out.

Sharp Grin (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

When a jester’s luck runs out, they have only two things left: their wit and their smile. This dagger has saved many a clown from the wrath of the powerful caused by their candid words, and from the envy of the downtrodden due to their privileged lives.


Obelisk of Eyes (Digital | Print)

Sometimes, the cults of deranged gods find success in their profane rituals and the beings they worship extend their grasp from the depths of the Far Realms. Obelisks like these can be formed when the touch of such an entity hovers over an area, transforming all that lies there in its own twisted image.

Obelisk of Mouths (Digital | Print)

As Eyes indicate the protection of the eldritch, and Tentacles signify a show of favor, the Mouths are a declaration: you are to be my prophets. This is the obelisk most revered by the worshippers of abominations, the clearest sign.

The voice of the deity protects against magic itself, as it's the expression of Its will.

Obelisk of Tentacles (Digital | Print)

When the Obelisk manifested by an eldritch being's reach is one of tentacles, it signifies the willingness of the deity to extend a helping hand to their faithful worshippers - a clear sign of approval from an otherwise unknowable entity.

This type of reward is received with relief from knowing their actions are approved of, but also with strife in deciding to which member of the cult the reward is destined to.

Primeval Pack

Ambertip (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Legendary | Print)

This ancient spear holds a being and a power beyond mortal comprehension. Accompanying humanoids since before the invention of language, this preserved eldritch creature has gifted the Wakeful Flame - the gift of Intellect - to this age's primeval ancestors.

Mask of the Fly (Digital | Print)

The Night Flame rests in the minds of darkness-dwellers, creatures of the night who hunt and prowl. It seeks to snuff consciousness, sending its prey into eternal slumber and dark dreams.

A powerful sorcerer has taken the skull of numerous beasts that harbored the Flame inside their heads to fashion a terrible mask, crowning himself as the Nightmare Fly.

Moonchaser (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Both the Night Flame and the Wakeful Flame pose threats to mortal minds after prolonged exposure, but their weakened presence can be revealing and vital for the survival of people living in hostile environments.

A gateway to the wisdom beyond the Night Flame and a source of the Wakeful Flame's alertness, this map was carried by the most accomplished and spiritualized hunters of ancient times.

Night Jaw (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Mortals of this ancient age are surrounded by terrors of the night. One way of conquering these fears is taking the beasts themselves, their own weapons, as tools, as symbols of victory.

Taking the noxraptor's maw as a tool is a step forward in braving night itself.

Noxraptor (Art | Token | PDF)

A fearsome beast hailing from a forgotten age, the noxraptor is one of the most efficient predators of the night. It harbors the Night Flame inside its skull, using this unknowable force of dreams and lethargy to hunt thinking creatures.

The Night Flame hungers for thought, seeking to snuff it, as the noxraptor hungers for flesh. Paired together, they stalk the darkness with unmatched strength, unnatural grace, and psychic powers capable of rendering their prey completely harmless.

Wielding a sharper intellect than most common beasts, this hunter goes unseen and can pursue its target with abandon, enhanced by psychic forces that aid in tracking and killing. Nothing escapes the noxraptor with ease.

Saberteeth (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

The sabretooth tiger prowls unfettered in this ancient age, as its closeness to the Wakeful Flame allows them to shift their striped coat in hypnotic patterns, fooling the minds of those they prey on and those who'd be brave enough to attack them.

Whichever hunter was skilled enough to hunt one of those and turn their teeth into weapons was certainly received home as a hero.

Relics of the Planes

Crystalcore Hammer (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

Objects that come from the Elemental Plane of Earth often have a warping effect on the Material Plane: their place of origin is a place of absolute reality, even denser than the reality of the ‘common’ plane inhabited by mortals.

This hammer, made from the insides of a titan, embodies this dense reality with such force that its weight warps gravity itself.

Ruined Blade (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

Few things survive an unprotected transition from the Material Plane to the Elemental Plane of Fire, as its wild flames have an appetite for everything. This Ruined Blade was a finely-crafted sword that was taken into the fire of that plane and was brought back, materially ruined, but touched by ancestral magic.

Wellspring Mirror (Digital | Print)

The Plane of Elemental Water is mostly made of raging currents, but it also houses clear springs brimming with insight, and mysterious, rippling lakes of illusion. This mirror is fashioned out of a portion of an endless spring, and the movements of its water can be either revealing or misleading.

Windsower (Digital | Print)

Although most of the Plane of Elemental Air's 'topography' is made up of chaotic wind, there are deep-seated citadels built by determined and ingenious native people. These citizens employ all sorts of wondrous tools to maintain order and, as farmers sow crops, they sow winds to keep their lifestyles in control.


Rumblestone Cannon (Digital | Print)

The tunnels beneath Mount Myran’muir house a perilous kind of mineral: rumblestone. Some scholars posit that it was created by a conjunction between the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire that spilled into the depths of the Material Plane, while others theorize that the meddling and experimentation of previous civilizations in the region caused its formation.

Being quite the explosive, what better contraption to make of it than a cannon?

Rumblestone Landmine (Digital | Print)

Artificers came to the conclusion that the safer distance to wield rumblestone from was always the greatest one after seeing the Sledgehammer and the Cannon in action. That being said, they couldn't curb their enthusiasm to create more applications for it.

The Rumblestone Landmine was created to ensure a safe and exciting use for the mineral, using psionic mechanisms to keep it distant from its wielder.

Rumblestone Sledgehammer (Digital | Print)

Inspired by the Rumblestone Golems of Myran’muir, some reckless and brave miners fashioned sledgehammers out of rumblestone slabs. This made advancing through the tunnels and fighting the rumblestone creatures easier, but many workers felt the brunt of the tool’s force in attempts to defend their lives.

Sidereal Spores

Sidereal Spores (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Hailing from dead stars where no life has chances to thrive anymore, these spores cling to other living beings in a desperate search for survival and communion. Those who take them in see glimpses of deep secrets connected to the fabric of space itself.

Warp Scion (Art | PDF | Token)

In their now dead star, an all-consuming aberration sleeps, dreaming of its next meal, its hunger merely sated for a brief interval. When the Sidereal Spores fail to successfully communicate with a host, helplessly trying to warn them of the dangers aimed at their new home, they are forced to employ a new strategy and overtake the host’s body.

A Warp Scion is the result of a failed conversion caused by either a strong will to resist and remain from the host, remorse from the spores, or a bad physiological match between the clashing organisms. This botched assimilation produces a ravaging being, as its power grows and so does its connection to the Mycelium, a space-bending network of minds that connects all Sidereal Spores.

With a stronger connection, the Warped Scion’s mind is tainted by the presence of their doom in their ruined home. So much closer to the calamity that destroyed it, grief overcomes it, and the sleeping doom’s dreams eventually consume it, wrangling it into submission.

Formerly enemies of the sleeping doom, they become its agents, seeding a path for destruction when it wakes up.

Warping Arm (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Sharing their origin with other sidereal spores, this type of alien fungi is called forge spore by mycologists in the Arcanorum due to their capability of shaping flesh into weapons. This capability is often interpreted as a sign of conflict present in their old home by the studious, and, while their attempts of communicating to those they are grafted on are fruitless, shines a grim light into the purpose of their interstellar voyage.


Comet Flail (Digital | Print)

The Comet Carriers are the most combative of Starcrest devotees. They descend upon realms rife with strife, under the domain of corrupt forces, or blinded by darkness to enforce cosmological order.

Some of those realms are left grateful, others, resentful.

Meteorite Band (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

The first Starcrest devotees to reach a new kingdom always sport a Meteorite Band. It signals their devotion to the Starcrest to the knowing inhabitants, so they can make preparations to receive more Star Warriors.

They are the first to touch ground and, like meteorites, may suffer for it, as not all civilizations are ready to contemplate the Starcrest.

Ring of Nullity (Digital | Print)

The followers of the Starcrest are burdened with the task of keeping the whole universe in order. Harnessing the power of singularities, literal holes poked through the fabric of reality, was one of their first endeavors.

Only the most honorable and powerful creatures dedicated to the crest wield Rings of Nullity, as their existence in itself can bring chaos unending.

Starcrest Banner (Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Every civilazation, be it human or not, has been fascinated by stars at some point. Be awe or dread, the sky lights evoke powerful emotion even in the more hardened of individuals.

Those who carry the Starcrest vow to preserve the awe-inspiring nature of stars in wherever realm they visit.

The Book of Sand (Digital | Print)

Hidden in the depths of the Blackstar Vaults, the Book of Sand is one of the most guarded artifacts under the possession of the Starcrest. Sympathetically connected to the whole of the cosmos, its infinite pages contain all possible information in existence.

In the hands of the uninitiated, this means nothing: infinite possibilities mean almost no chances of success, as what you find might be just an irrelevant and non-sensical version of what you sought.

For those attuned to the movements of the universe, insightful spellcasters, the sand pages crack the mysteries of the cosmos right down the middle, unveiling potent secrets, no matter how guarded they are.

The Metal Collection

Holy Diver (Very Rare | Legendary | Artifact | Print)

Aberrations and warped beasts constantly terrorize the shores of pitch-black the Midnight Sea. The Holy Diver Order was created to face these horrors where they nested, deep beneath the dark waves.

Equipped with sacred helmets to resist the adverse effects of the eldritch waters, these knights would see their lives shortly crumble, as the corrupting influences of the aberrations overtook their wills.

Lawbreaker (Rare | Very Rare | Legendary | Print)

Under the tutelage of the Hessian, the Lawbreakers came out of their hiding places in the wilderness to shake the hierarchy imposed by Order from within. As rebellious citizens, they sought to instill chaos into the hearts of cities, the main symbols of stablished law.

When the time for battle came, they donned their jackets, as there was no longer a need for hiding.

Paranoid (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)

Made to replicate the screeches of a rare breed of psionic bats, the Paranoid swords were created by a bard trying to deepen the effect of their magical skills.

With magic rooted in music, touching the hearts of people is a common practice for bards, but the ones wielding these swords can seed unmatched terror into their minds.

Rainbow in the Dark (Rare | Very Rare | Legendary | Print)

Nothing scares a spellcaster more than a space where magic abandons them. The nightmare of antimagic, the force that steals all of their most precious gifts makes them feel utterly alone.

The wizards of a long-forgotten kingdom had a custom of swearing oaths of mutual fealty with fierce warriors who could protect them from the most terrible dangers. These warriors, shortly after the fall of the kingdom, used to carry special weapons that could make magic bloom in a spectacle of light even in the darkness of antimagic.

Unforgiven (Very Rare | Legendary | Print)

This assembly of bracelet and rings was the prized possession of the Hessian, a dedicated servant of the Gods of Chaos who harnessed the powers of life and death alike, battling against the advances of stifling order.

The alliances of kings, politicians, and law-beholden knights that faced the Hessian labeled him a traitor of mortalkind for allying himself with the fae, nature spirits and the Gods of Chaos, dubbing him Unforgiven after his downfall.

The War Pig (Art | Token 1 | Token 2 | PDF)

This creature is a remnant of an ancient past, once used as a mere device for war. It has survived through centuries due to the curse that soaks its skin with the blood of a thousand battles, being strengthened in patterns of violence and death.

Originally, it was created by the Wyrd Sisters to aid in their battles against Oberania of the Court of Flowers by twisting a noble race of boars that grazed Oberania’s petal fields. Called flower-grazers, they were pacific beasts of enormous might that helped those of kind heart in their endeavors, usually traveling to the realms of mortals to aid in the construction of grand cities and the revitalization of natural habitats such as burnt down forests or polluted rivers.

Overwhelmed by the expansion of the Court of Flowers and fearing the loss of their Domain of Roaming Huts, the Wyrd Sisters saw opportunity in the beasts. Gentle, but observant, the flower-grazers were wary of the hags’ advances, keeping to their own. Eventually, though, the sisters’ witchcraft proved too grand, and their fate-weaving magic brought the beasts to their hands.

The Wyrd Sisters seized their fates, forcing them to use their monstrous strength and their connection to nature to trample Oberania’s petal fields and armies, making the curse placed upon their bodies ever stronger, as the blood spilled in the battles stained them.

Nowadays, few of the War Pigs are left, locked up in planes beyond the material or in monumental prisons made specifically to contain them. Some say, though, that the ages away from battles may have weakened their blood-patterned curses.

The Order of Deprivation

Clasp of Visions (Digital | Print)

Through rituals involving the deepest of meditations to navigate the gray labyrinth, the Order of Deprivation eventually revealed the Secret of Blindness. Through occlusion of the eyes, new pathways were opened - new ways of seeing, new forms of prophecy, and new avenues for domination of others.

Silence (Digital | Print)

The Secret of Deafness was revealed to the Order of Deprivation through the study of musicians’ brains. With this soundless knowledge they extracted, they made Silence, the antithesis of a musical instrument.

Whispers (Uncommon | Rare | Print)

The Order of Deprivation is formed by occultists bent on figuring the hidden messages inscribed in the circumvolutions of the brain. They seek dominion over the bodies of others through the gray-matter labyrinth.

Whispers is but one of their prized successes, created by the revealed Secret of Muteness.


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