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Hello, dear patrons! Was we've mentioned at the start of the week, we'll be testing a new post format, bringing you more exclusive content each week. The Noxraptor's stats will only be available for you patrons and we'll only post its art on our social media.

"A fearsome beast hailing from a forgotten age, the noxraptor is one of the most efficient predators of the night. It harbors the Night Flame inside its skull, using this unknowable force of dreams and lethargy to hunt thinking creatures.

The Night Flame hungers for thought, seeking to snuff it, as the noxraptor hungers for flesh. Paired together, they stalk the darkness with unmatched strength, unatural grace, and psychic powers capable of rendering their prey completely harmless.

Wielding a sharper intellect than most common beasts, this hunter goes unseen and can pursue its target with abandon, enhanced by psychic forces that aid in tracking and killing. Nothing escapes the noxraptor with ease.".

Stats on the PDF available on this post's attachments :)

Thank you all for the support and see you next week!

Gabriel Ribeiro from Shiny Press



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