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Hello, everyone! Today we'll host the poll to decide on which monster we'll be making for Shiny's Monster Menagerie: Volume III!

The Obelisk would be the "mother" of our Obelisk series - a gigantic monster wielding tentacles, mouths and eyes. Its unique mechanic would be a "reality-warping" one resulting from the touch of things beyond the Far Plane coming in contact with the Material Plane.

The Starcrest Envoy would be a cosmic/celestial being sent to spread the word of the Starcrest through whatever means necessary - which include mercilessly stomping on the chaotic. It would be capable of establishing "territories" through its Starcrest Banner, affecting foes and friends inside them.

The Wicker Man would be a plant creature that germinates in farmlands during the season of harvest and that is hunted by the people to ensure a bountiful season. As a dormant seed, it would have cool interactions with fire damage, awakening new abilities and giving birth to allies as it is hunted with fire.


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