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Welcome to the Sundry, patron! Make yourself at home and peruse Shiny’s collection.

This version of the Sundry contains item cards suited for both digital and physical use. Have a blast!

Common shinies
Carefree Pipe (Common | Uncommon | Rare | Print)
When Tom the Cunning - a renowned wizard who strayed from the paths of the Arcanorum - took a sabbatical among the druids of the Far Lands, he learned a few tricks from them.

This pipe is the result of their knowledge on fighting the cold to make rests more effective wrapped-up in the wizard’s favorite pastime, ath good old smoking-pipe.

Uncommon shinies
A Regular Chef’s Hat (Digital | Print)
Shiny is a lover of mimics and she has a habit of adopting stray ones she finds on her adventures, even running a small facility for rehabilitating these little rascals in her home. This chef hat mimic is one that got away from her.

Amulet of Martial Prowess (Digital | Print)
These amulets are worn by warriors who have defeated foes they thought they couldn't handle, but were able to down through determination. They carry a fragment of the foes' might, like a piece of their blade or armor, which reminds them of their own potential.

Blackvine (Digital | Print)
The Holy Order of the Thorn followed the Saint of Faith and their dealings with shadowy forces and self-punishment was a marker of their determination in upholding said faith.

Bracelet of Respite (Digital | Print)
The iconography of two pairs of wings is a symbol of divinity much cherished by those who value life and its divine essence. Carrying an amulet like this is displaying an oath to preserve the creation of the gods.

Bracers of the Monkey (Digital – UncommonRare | Print)
Warriors have fashioned these bracers to honor their roots to the temples buried deep in the jungles and their ties to the clan of monkeys who now serve to protect their ancient homes.

Collar of Claws and Teeth (Digital | Print)
This pair of collars is a testament of the link forged between two mighty hunters, a ranger and their companion. It symbolizes the willingness of one giving their life to save the other’s.

Granny Gossip (Digital | Print)
These magical items are usually worn by infiltrated duos and are crafted as inconspicuous jewels to make the job of passing unnoticed simpler. Their name started as a joke about a spy's job, but evolved into a way of referring to the tool in a code.

The Arrowset of Hod (Digital | Print)
It is said that Hod come down from the Far Lands to sow marvel among the common folk with tricks, but also with a taste of freedom and levity rarely present in their lives. Hod is considered a hero in many realms and a fierce enemy of tyrants.

These arrows supposedly belonged to him, as he was a miracle fletcher capable of creating wondrous shots to entertain, but also to hurt when needed.

The Arrowset of Hod #2 (Digital | Print)
Tales are told of Hod, an archer from the Far Lands who marveled the people with the miracle arrows he fletched. It's said this is the second set he made.

The Melanchord (Digital | Print)
It is said that this string alone is responsible for many outbreaks of mass melancholia throughout history. Many credit this to the legend that it made from the hair of a grieving fey.

Thornwall (Digital | Print)
The Saint of Faith has long been missing, but little know of the sin she must have committed to be discharged of her virtue. Those who know and even those who do not still search for the relics of her long-gone holy order, such as Thornwall.

Rare shinies
Bands of Dedication (Digital | Print)
Smiths squabble over which material is the longest lasting: steel, silver, diamonds… Those who share true bonds of companionship argue that their dedication to each other or to a shared cause goes beyond any mundane substance.

Black Bolt (Digital | Print)
The elements of nature were always a source of inspiration for history's great artificers. This mace was made from a substance collected from deep in the earth, a kind of iron that flowed like liquid, but hardened as black lightning coursed through the caverns.

Behir Boots (Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Print)
Made from Behir-leather, these boots are capable of giving-off powerful elemental strikes, protecting their wearer while they run and even providing them with a quick escape option.

Blackthorn (Digital | Print)
Those who wield both a Blackvine and a Thornwall become peerless duelists, capable of striking back as soon as they defend or are hurt. The Holy Knights of the Thorn were famously invoked to resolve the matters of sinners, especially those who avoided repentance.

Bloodseeker Handwraps (Digital | Print)
Some ancient monastic traditions were obsessed with aspects of life, but the Dripping Finger Monks were fixated on blood and lineages. Their intense concentration and control over life-force reflected this obsession and extended it to the manipulation of blood and intricate marriage traditions.

These handwraps are one of the vestiges of this monastic order and their thirst can be felt by those who wield it, ever closer to the secrets hidden within their own blood.

Bow of Penance (Digital | Print)
This bow was crafted by vengeful fae who sought to hunt-down mortals invading their deep-woods sanctums. The vines it sprouts seek to drink from their target’s blood and it is said that the Duke from the Rusted Canopy also drinks through them.

Charred Boots (Digital | Print)
The Salamander Knights breach the innermost caves of volcanoes in search of ancient elementals, quest for red dragons to face their fiery breath and even venture deep into the Planes of Fire. Their boots are charred, but their lives remain intact.

Cleansing Cleaver (Digital | Print)
Hunting monsters to prepare mystical meals is a tough as nails challenge, but cooking them does not fall behind it. Hides hard as stone, acidic blood, sharp bones and poisonous flesh are a bane for regular tools.

The Salamander Knights equip themselves with magical cooking utensils, such as the Cleansing Cleaver, to prepare their monstrous game.

Clouds Conceal the Heavens (Digital | Print)
Many mortals have looked up to the skies as the house of the gods. This fan holds depictions of the heavens in an effort to access the powers of this divine household.

Disruptor (Digital | Print)
In the caverns from where the artificers took the fluid iron to make Black Bolt, they also found Disruptor near the remains of a creature they have never seen alike. Due to the metal ship beside it, they wondered if it was a visitor from the stars.

Insect in Amber (Digital | Print)
Amber is a substance that holds within the echoes of ages past, a fragment of time held captive and still. This ring’s maker understood its potential and used to make an artifact capable of holding someone in place with golden tendrils of amber.

Lantern of the Midnight Sun (Digital | Print)
The wolves of the Farlands howl at the Sun, as they wish to devour the discernment that radiates from it to finally become more than animals. This lantern traps some of the powers of the Sun by depicting this legend on its body.

Lantern of the Midday Moon (Digital | Print)
As regular wolves, the wolves of the Farlands howl to the Moon. It is said they howl in anger, wishing to be free of its control over shapechangers. This lantern produces moonlight, therefore reflecting this mystical power.

Longbow of Ancestors (Digital – RareUncommonVery Rare | Print)
A lineage of archers guard a ruined keep from monstrosities that come from to take their once-proud home. They teach their young to be bowyers, fletchers, and hunters so they can prepare to face the monster legions.

They also believe that the soul wells inside each person in a inward spiral, so they decorate their bows with spiralling grooves, etching their spirits in the wood.

Lorto’s Ring of Shielding (Digital | Print)
Lorto was a wizard who dealt with the criminal elements of the underworld. Fearing unsavory surprises, he made spells and artifacts to be ever-vigilant and continuously protected.

Magnifying Glass of Secrets (Digital | Print)
Cursed artifacts, disguised magical traps, camouflaged enigma solutions and many other secrets can end and adventurer's or an archeologist's career. Shiny suffered with many of them for a few years until she took a few months to figure out the right spells to unveil them and created this magnifying glass.

Necklace of Beastly Bites (Rare – Digital | Print) – (Very Rare – Digital | Print)
Necklaces like these are made by beast-wranglers from the most dangerous biomes in the world, be them deep jungles, nasty swamps, the frozen tundra or the lightless oceans. These people fear no beast and are moved by the thrill of the chase.

Shiny’s Assorted Sweets #1 (Digital | Print)
Shiny once met a Hag who tried to curse her with delicious sweets. After escaping due to a tremendous effort of will, she came home and made her own magical candies.

Shiny’s Flask of Dreams (Digital | Print)
Once on an excavation of a gallery of crystalline caves, Shiny met a being made of pure dream. They were dying slowly, but saw no way to keep on going. Shiny swore to try and help him and, a few nights after, came back with her Flask of Dreams, which she built based on the magic of the Duke of Epiphanies, the fae who connects worshippers and deities through dreams.

The Dreamweaver still lives in this pocket-dream-reality which operates under the rules of ever-mutable dream logic.

Supplicant’s Crown (Digital | Print)
Some crueler gods and even the forces of magic themselves can have a penchant for the suffering of mortals and can sometimes reward those devout enough to endure severe punishment.

This crown is a link to those forces and their rewards gilded in pain.

The Ardent Flower (Digital | Print)
One of the courts of Faerie is ruled by Oberania, the Petal Monarch. They seek to reach into the realms of mortals to plant their roots and part of that plan is accomplished by selling fae-arms, like the Ardent Flowers, to warring factions they wish to see victorious or left weakened after long conflicts.

The Jampacker (Digital – RareVery Rare | Print)
The toolkit of the Salamander Knights goes beyond the cooking of magical recipes and the hunting of monstrous game. A few of them are skilled at cuisine-smithing, producing items that can be used as tools and also be eaten for magical effects.

The Mark of Truth (Digital | Print)
Between those dedicated to the battle against falsehood, there brave warriors who spill the blood of fiends to purify in the name of their gods. The deities respond in kind, gifting powers beyond mortality and the abilities to pierce veils with sight.

The River Caresses the Land (Digital | Print)
A great master warrior used to say that to be a master, you should be like water. These robes borrow his philosophy and the powers of a sacred river to make martial artists even fiercer.

The Rod of Clear Skies (Rare – Digital | Print) – (Very Rare – Digital | Print)
The oracles of the Horyssian Dominion fly during their prophetic rituals, describing long circles to examinine the features of the land below, the shifting sands and the movements on the sky.

When they describe a path unavoidable, they talk of undeniably clear skies.

The Staff of Ages (Digital | Print)
The worshippers of Bjarnskal, the God of Death from the Farlands, are experts in examining the passing of lives, but they go beyond, being unmatched in probing for a deceased's past.

Tide Shield (Digital | Print)
Sailors often tell of a strange island half-submerged beneath the waves. They speak of iridescent fragments catching sunlight and lightning, weird animals and odd-colored plants. They also say this island sometimes touches artifacts and confers powers over aspects of the seas, like it has linked this shield to the tides.

Trickshot Quiver (Digital | Print)
When the legendary archer Hod got old, people say, he got tired of making miraculous arrows to entertain and liberate the people of the world. The fletcher then, supposedly, turned into a maker of quivers.

This quiver is said to be his first, decorated as the Raggedy Archer liked to dress himself.

Unnamed Hero’s Cloak (Digital - Uncommon - Rare | Print)
Countless heroes passed away in the battlefields trying to impede wars. This cloak was made to honor the spirits of these brave pacifists and is a constant reminder of their struggles.

Vigilant Ruby (Digital | Print)
People relate jewelry like this to the 'evil eye', an ancient magical practice of cursing someone with incoming disaster. In the case of the Vigilant Ruby, this is mostly true, but only to spellcasters found in the lands of Lôvash.

These ruby eyes are tools of arcane persecutors, bent on bringing arcanists into justice.

Vital Ember (Digital | Print)
These amulets are crafted in a holy land to guard its knights. The soldiers keep each other’s Embers, as being able to regroup with ease and having a spring of healing magic at hand make them an indispensable asset in the battlefield.

Warlord’s Horn (Digital | Print)
From the fall of the Empire of Stars to mortalkind's battles against the last dragons, this horn has fallen into the hands of leaders who faced death alongside their soldiers.

White Stag’s Crown (Digital | Print)
A White Stag rules every forest in the realms, changing its shape depending on the beasts that it must command. This crown was made from the horns of a felled king of forests.

Very rare shinies
Bear’s Embrace (Digital | Print)
Bjarnskal – also known as Bearskull – is a god worshipped in frigid lands, and this suit of armor was fashioned as an instrument of worship. It is believed the End-Bringer is the cause of Death, but also hailed as the one who protects the roots of life from rotting with snow and ice until its embers can grow hot once more.

Dragonbone (Digital – Very RareRare | Print)
Technology and arcane arts are usually regarded as opposing concepts, fields of study that should be left separate for mortalkind's sake. When they are mixed, volatile and powerful inventions come into existance and their use may spell doom to whole countries - as Dragonbone did, its inventor being responsible for singlehandedly ending diplomacy between two warring nations.

Egg of Aberrations (Digital | Print)
The Aberrant Gods watch from beyond the nearest planes of existence in realms of unending madness. When their thoughts breach our reality, they morph into eggs which find their ways to vile people.

Those who accept an Egg of Aberrations become marked by these gods, slowly transformed into a servant, giving their blood to their masters.

Lockblade (Digital | Print)
These daggers are used by those who hunt from the shadows and was designed by the arcanist hunters of Lôvash. Paired with their magic suppressing rubies, these daggers haunt the dreams of practitioners all over the land.

Pariah (Digital | Print)
This is the sword of someone who has been forsaken by their peers, a pariah thrown into the world to fend for themselves. Even so, they have not been forsaken by Neidra Daer, the Queen of the Barrows, serpent saint of the lost.

Raindrop (Digital | Print)
This is the Drizzle Knight’s centuries-long companion. The knight is famed for always being able to water the seeds of what she wishes to see bear fruit in time. Her gentle nature, persistence, and ancient wisdom make her a valuable member of the Salamander Knights.

The Arbalest of Thunders (Rare – Digital | Print) – (Very Rare – Digital | Print)
People talk about 'bottling lightning' as if it were a miracle. Master artificers would say it's a challenge, but that you eventually get the gist of it... Especially when you stop fearing getting shocked.

The Blade of Law (Very RareLegendary | Print)
Taken from the broken hands of its former wielder, the Blade of Law spend too many years stuck inside the Worldbreaker's Hand. His devilish powers corroded the sword, melting its sacred powers into viler, but thankfully dampened, forces.

The Heavens Lie Divided in Three (Digital | Print)
It is said the Sun is pulled by a dragon through the skies, as is the Moon by a hare. These mythological beasts dictate the pace of the day and, therefore, the pace in which mortals live.

By honoring them, martial artists can find stances best aligned with each time of the day, seizing the best opportunities presented at each period.

The Sands of Creation (Digital | Print)
Beyond the realms of matter and of elements lie the waves of astral seas which eventually meet the shores of creation, the fundations of the world. Battles were fought there before time began to run, where the unknowable beigns of the realms beyond reality faced the celestials that guarded it.

This sword is said to be the remains of an Archangel's burning sword which was extinguished over the sand of these shores.

The Suit of Opalescence (Digital | Print)
Many are the wonders that lie in the under-lands covered by mountains and caves, where the drow, duergar, and many aberrations make their home. Down there, the shadows grow long and deep.

This suit was made by a league of explorers that delve below and found in sunlight some ways to fight against the darkness living there. Opalescent light makes them aware and protects their lives.

Thunderous Stampede (Digital | Print)
This weapon was sculpted in honor of Stormhäst, the horse-god of storms, lightning, war, justice and the fight for freedom. It booms and crackles when a worthy champion wields it.

Timecatcher (Digital | Print)
There are secrets capable of distorting the foundations of the universe. En-Ur-Ama, the Unfathomable Serpent, prides themselves of being the most knowledgeable about them. This artifact is one of their toys which manipulate spacetime.

Legendary shinies
Necklet of the Elemental Master (Digital | Print)
There are those who seek to suffuse themselves in the energy of the planes in a bid for ultimate power. This necklet fashioned out of a Planetree's fruits and bark and it holds a portion of its power.

The Devil’s Left Hand (Digital | Print)
"The Devil" is more of a title than a name. Many fiends war over the throne of Hell and, when one of the Devils was still young, he was not a master of the arcane arts. By harvesting the remains of his more mystically-adept rivals, he fashioned this glove to better deal with magical threats.

The Sword of Distant Screams (Digital | Print)
An old king of a kingdom ruined by the Aberrant Gods forged this sword to hunt down these deities and their monstrous apostles as a knight errant. The sword itself hungers for the putrid taste of the Eggs of Aberrations as the knight once hungered for revenge.

The Worldbreaker’s Hand (Digital | Print)
The champion of Hell is called the Worldbreaker. His arm made of enchanted stone is said to have vanquished many valorous heroes who strived to up-end the cities of Hell. The sword of the fiercest of these heroes lies in it - simultaneously a symbol of their strength and their defeat by the Worldbreaker's Hand.

Blades of the Seasons
Litha, the Sun Spear (Digital | Print)
The Sun King is one of the most powerful of the Seelie Fae Monarchs. His splendor is unmatched, as he stands as a shiny beacon of fairy power. His presence is warm and welcoming, but most fear to be singed by his heat and light.

Mabon, the Gnarled Sword (Digital | Print)
The Autumn Knight is a ferocious hunter, but also a keeper of life. They're always close to the Summer King and the Winter Queen - always ready to keep the balance between life and death.

Ostara, the Flower Saber (Digital | Print)
The Spring Squire is hailed as a heroic Fae by most mortals. Their fame comes from the healing times and life's blossom associated with Spring. Few of them remember the Squire's sinister origins, birthed from the death of Winter.

Yule, the Snow Dagger (Digital | Print)
The Snow Queen is one of the most feared of Fey. Mortals tremble at mentions of her name, remembered of times of famine and cold. Some of them, though, are capable of remembering those days with fondness, as moments of companionship and strength.

Deepchanter & Tide Shield
Set Bonus (Digital | Print)

Deepchanter (Digital | Print)
Some say the depths of the oceans can be as mysterious as the far reaches of the Astral Realm. Artifacts such as these indicate that dangerous, weird creatures scheme beneath the waves, sending supposed gifts to their pawns from time to time, imprinting in them their telepathic signature and their designs.

Tide Shield (Digital – OriginalReforged | Print)
There's a half-sunk island inhabited by fishfolk, coral colonies and stranded sailors where trinkets from the depths frequently awash on shore. Most are odd and natural, but the occasional one resembles a crafted tool or weapon too much to have been made underwater... these artifacts warped by the waves can give abilities to those dedicated to the sea.

Harnessed Anomaly
Set Bonus (Digital | Print)

Barricade Shield (Digital – RareVery Rare | Print)
The Barricade Shields are excellent tools for cornering runaways, as their deployable plates - and the spatial barriers the fancier models can produce - easily block the tight escape routes.

Enforcer Gauntlet (Digital | Print)
The City Gaurds crack down on criminals - be them truly dangerous or other folk merely trying to get by as well - as the Lords Above see they have enough to live comfortably. Therefore, their energy batons are feared, as their glow in a dark alley means you should promptly run away.

Zeppelin Boots (Digital – RareVery Rare | Print)
Being a Cable Guard is no easy task - as they're often suspended from the Zeppelins from long metal cables, usually held taut or free to fly only by the cables themselves and the spatial anomaly in their Boots. They patrol the inside as well as the outside of the vehicles, always weary of those trying to board them mid-light.

Haymaker & Peak-a-boo
Set Bonus

Haymaker (Digital – UncommonRare | Print)
There are fighters who risk it all in a hail-Mary punch. The lions of good luck smile on these daring warriors, commending their courage and strength with additional power.

Peak-a-boo (Digital – UncommonRare | Print)
There are fighters who are always focused on defense, ready to take any blow. The turtle of attention guards these warriors commending their readiness with extra protection.

Master’s Tools
Set Bonus (Digital | Print)

Forgeheart (Digital – RareVery Rare | Print)
This kind of tool can be compared to Shaper - a tool suffused by a master's soul and dedication -, but it's nature goes beyond it. A chisel like this is created by accomplished artificers that boast mastery over metal, but also over spellwork.

They can be used to dismantle spells and magical protections entirely, allowing safe work over arcane materials that could pose a threat to artisans.

Shaper (Digital | Print)
Few craftspeople can call themselves a master in their work. Few masters can pour so much dedication into their labor that the tools they use become magical, suffused with their own soul. Shaper is such a tool, capable of lending its maker's skills to others.

Temper Shield (Digital | Print)
A master must be prepared to work anywhere. This shield, beyond being a great help in combat, is a quite effective portable forge. With its rapid heating, metal can be repaired swiftly and it can be tempered on the battlefield, affording more protection. Truly the work of a mastercrafter!

Monastery of Blood
Bloodmist Sickle (Digital – UncommonRare | Print)
In constant search for dominion over one's impulses and ways to expunge blood from sin, the Bloody Monks eventually came about a strange mixture of plant and disease called Rot, Blight and Bloodvine from which these sickles are made.

Bloodsoaked Javelin (Digital | Print)
When invaders manage to break into the Monastery of Blood to pilfer secrets and escape, the Red Eyes are sent after them. These penitents wield the Bloodsoaked Javelins and, by marking their prey with pieces of the Bloodvine cores, they can follow any thief unnerringly.

Bloodvine Coils (Digital | Print)
The most dedicated of Monastery of Blood penitents are the Garden Tenders who live in closest proximity to the trees diseased by Bloodvine. By tending to the parasitic cores, they ensure that the vines continue to grow safely, being unable to spread to other plants, crops or people. They develop a symbiotic relation with the infection coiled-up inside them, being awarded great combat capabilities in exchange for feeding it - as it strives to feed from enemies too.

Corrupted Planetree Staff (Digital | Print)
The druids from the Far Lands talk about a mystic species called the Planetrees. These sentient plants grow between the planes and their branches stretch into them, bearing fruits of light when they reach a different plane.

Normally aloof beings of light made, the Planetree whose branch was taken to make this staff seems to be somewhat corrupted, touched by an insidious and infecting evil which feeds on life.

Plantree Sap (Digital | Print)
This is the vital fluid that courses inside Planetrees. It can serve as a beacon or a ward for teleportation magics.

Planetree Staff (Digital | Print)
The druids from the Far Lands talk about a mystic species called the Planetrees. These sentient plants grow between the planes and their branches stretch into them, bearing fruits of light when they reach a different plane.

Planetree Twig (Digital | Print)
A Planetree fragment which still holds part of its powers of influencing the planes of existence. Snapping it frees this power, dissipating it into the borders between the planes.

Jungle Guardian
Bracers of the Monkey (Uncommon | Rare)
Warriors have fashioned these bracers to honor their roots to the temples buried deep in the jungles and their ties to the clan of monkeys who now serve to protect their ancient homes.

Eight Ton Staff (Digital| Print)
The Monkey King is the fiercest of Jungle Guardians and the most respected by their peers. They are hailed as the most skilled and dedicated of guardians, being the only one allowed to wield the Eight Ton Staff.

Golden Cloud Sandals (Original | Variant- Print)
A clan of warriors has left the temples that lie buried in the deep jungles in the care of guardian monkeys. These Jungle Guardians have faith in their companions to protect their home and emulate their King by wearing these sandals inspired in his ability to step on clouds, way above the green jungle canopy.

Oath Headband (Digital | Print)
The Jungle Guardians maintain a legend that the Monkey King has been the same person for centuries. They claim he has eaten the peaches of immortality, drank the elixir of life and that he's blessed by a phoenix and draws vitality from its feathers.

They know that's a lie, as the fiercest guardian of each generation becomes the King, but there's a nugget of truth to the tales in the Oath Headband.

Mask of the Sphinx
Sphinxes are majestic creatures full of guile. Many peoples of the desert seek to emulate their powers through rituals, adoration or the creation of relics such as this.

Eyes of the Sphinx (Digital | Print)
The first half represents a sphinx's more humanoid side, granting mystical sight powers to those who wear it.

Maw of the Sphinx (Digital | Print)
Sphinxes are majestic creatures full of guile. Many peoples of the desert seek to emulate their powers through rituals, adoration or the creation of relics such as this.

Set Bonus (Digital | Print)

Mini Runestone Golem (Digital | Print)
After figuring out how to make new runestones, the artificers from the United Mountain Republic sought to make new Runestone Golems - more efficient, less cumbersome... cuter. They made the Mini Runestone Golem to accompany them in the narrower tunnels, still providing vital aid.

PKX-198 (Digital | Print)
A lot of dwarven kingdoms have ancient mining traditions, but most are reticent in pushing for change. The mastercrafters of the Unified Mountain Republic embraced old magic to create new technology, creating efficient mining tools like the PKX-198.

Runestone Golem (Digital | Print)
These unusual looking golems were found by the United Mountain Republic when they hit unprecedented depths. By the fragments of history found there, they gathered that these being were created by an ancient folk, modelled after powerful beasts with whom they lived.

Runestones (Digital | Print)
It was after the United Mountain Republic found dying Runestone Golems that they noticed the powers of the runestone would vanish should they perish. They proceeded to remove these stones from the dying ones, studying them and their properties - eventually being able to reproduce this ancient arcane technology and create new golems.

Shiny’s Slumber Incenses
Shiny, beyond a magical item crafter, is a curious archeologist, which means she’s constantly researching the traditions of bygone folks.

The Cleansing Pack (Digital | Print)
Inspired by the traditions of incense-burning and of using herbs to ward evil, she came up with this bundle of cleansing fragrances which magically enhance people’s rests.

The Energizing Pack (Digital | Print)
Inspired by the traditions of incense-burning and of using herbs to ward evil, she came up with this bundle of cleansing fragrances which magically enhance people’s rests.

Shiny’s Spooks
Bathtub Mimic (Digital | Print)
This one-of-a-kind mimic was made by a Demonic Prince who rules over luck, insects and worms as a companion for their sons, three evil little kids tasked with the pursuit of a Holy Man.

Hand of Glory (Digital – UncommonRare | Print)
Ritual is essential in magic and even more so in necromancy. Thievery is a profession rife with ritual: picking locks and pockets, climbing windows, moving silently... a city guard telling them to stop and raise their hands. All of those are engraved in their flesh and can be brought out by necromancers.

Jack-o’-Box (Digital | Print)
It is said that these enormous toy boxes are connected to absurd planes of existance where chaos reigns. Beigns that pass through them are called Jacks and their aberrant forms are so distant from mortals' that the only way to make reason of them is by laughing uncontrollably until eventual death.

Snake Eyes (Digital | Print)
Insects, worms, toads and snakes - all of those that flutter and crawl - always have an eye on you. Even if they have no eyes, even if they leave under the earth... they're watching you and every turn of your luck. This is their gift for you who feel unlucky.

The Trick Cat (Digital | Print)
A common cat is an accomplished hunter, but the house-variety often times lacks the determination to pursue prey for longer periods. The Trick Cat is that hunter completely twisted by chaotic magic, endowed with the powers to hunt game through dream and shadow, its appetite for souls ceaseless.

Trick Mantle (Digital | Print)
This Trick Cat's days of wrongdoing are over, but the stolen souls still remain, powering the mantle's new owner. Would you have the courage to use them? Or would you use them, as they have no bodies to return to?

Shiny’s Sundry of Animated Objects
The Department of Scriptomancy
Animated Spellbook (Digital | Print) | Statblock (Digital | Print)
The Paper Tower is regarded as the library which contains all of the world's secrets. It being the library of the most prestigious university of the realms - the Arcanorum -, that is a fair statement to be made, but it is known as an exaggeration by the people.

The truth, though, is that the researchers for the Arcanorum employ espionage tactics to filter knowledge form all over. The Animated Spellbook is a vital tool in the asset of such information hunters.

The Spirit of Intellect
Bonehead (Digital | Print)
A Spirit of Intellect cursed into imprisonment inside a skull. In exchange for favors, he gives power, but hides a secret agenda he seeks as his own powers grow.

The Workshop of Sentience
Chandelier of Wisps (Digital | Print)
Made of living-metal, this chandelier bides its time, waiting for orders to attack, remaining completely stationary in the middle of living rooms, halls and other environments, hiding in plain sight.

Living-metal Candle (Rare – Digital | Print) – (Very Rare – Digital | Print)
This candle is a mere fragment of a much larger creature and it's far too small to act on its own, but it still lives in a dormant state.

Living-metal is a strange material and creatures made of it possesses innate abilities to manipulate the living.

Saint Maude’s Relics
These are Saint Maude’s – the Iron Maiden –, Relics, the results of her execution. After betraying the principles of her God of Truth, Maude was captured and executed to be absolved from her sins.

Blood Reliquary (Digital | Print)
Remnants of Maude’s spirit still animate her blood, preserving the life of who wears it, but inciting them to be violent.

Iron Terror (Digital | Print)
Made from metal plates taken from Maude’s new iron maiden form, this shield hungers for blood as does the Saint.

Ossuary (Digital | Print)
These were taken from Saint Maude’s Bones and pieces of the holy text that wrapped them still confer them with power. Those who wield this mace wield the Saint’s power.

Shiny’s Sundry of Slimy Ooze
Gaixelgryz’s Armory
Among the Workshop of Sentience’s denizens there are those few who brave the unknown outside world and through whom the its wonders can be discovered. Gaixelgryz is one of those wanderers.

Gaixelgryz’s Corroding Cinder (Digital | Print)
These weapons were made by this oozesmith with the purpose of squaring-off against the metals of the outside realms, being able to eat through them, but unable to not damage itself in the process.

Gaixelgryz’s Extra Elastic Slingshot (Digital | Print)
Gaixelgryz is not the most collaborative member of the Ooze Cabal, but when she did work with other associates, it was with the kind Oolanthryx. They made this slingshot and special ammunitions called pops together.

Gaixelgryz’s Gelatinous Protector (Digital | Print)
Shields like these were made to take advantage of the ooze’s sticky properties, be it for grappling or for protecting.

Gaixelgryz’s Sticky Whip (Digital | Print)
This whip is one of the many articles in Gaixelgryz's armory, made from a patch of psychicly-active ooze that can react to its wielder noticing a fleeing enemy to snare them.

Mirvenax’s Laboratory
Blobcat (Digital | Print)
One of the oldest communities in the Workshop of Sentience is that of Oozoids, ooze given full consciousness. The feat of their creation was preceded by many other experiments such as the recipes for brewing a Blobcat.

Mirvenax’s Adaptable Prosthetics (Digital | Print)
Mirvenax is a prodigy from the Ooze Cabal, capable of reshaping ooze perfectly to fit and foster life. Her works have brought many an adventurer back to the trail in no time.

Ooze Brain (Digital | Print)
Some experiments for the creation of oozoids in the Workshop of Creation went horribly wrong, but were eventually refined. The small Ooze Brains are still brewed nowadays to serve as messengers and to safekeep memories.

Oolanthryx’s Roaming Kitchen
Memory Brew (Digital | Print)
The Roaming Kitchen is famed between adventurers - specially oozoid adventurers - for its Viscous Brews, a brand of potions crafted by Oolanthryx from different types of ooze which can enhance the bodies of oozoids and, for some flavors, even other forms of life.

Oozonia, the Free City
The Blobwrap (Digital | Print)
The Blobwrap is a special suit of armor designed for the needs of the Oozonians on all habitats they lived in: a safeguard for falls during city flights, enhanced swimming and an air supply for ocean exploration, and some cushioning for battles wherever they took place.

Bone Marrow Hunter (Digital | Print)
These creatures are made from the marrow which seeps from the Titanic Corpse’s bones transformed into ooze. They prowl the surface and the first veins in search of food, hunting for creatures from outside the island or from other spawns like them.

Shiny’s Unassuming Trinkets
Ashen Scale (Digital | Print)
Shiny was always amazed by dragons - they could fly, talk, breathe fire... All things a crow should covet. When she found the withered corpse of an ancient dragon on a dungeon delve, she knew she had to make a new trinket.

Celestial Feather (Digital | Print)
Plucked from the wings of a celestial, this feather was turned by Shiny herself into an aid in fighting the fiends of the Abyss and Hell. It grows in powers as it thwarts the forces of evil.

Deadman’s Tooth (Digital | Print)
Shiny was hesitant to dabble into the necromantic arts, but the raw power this talisman could output if enchanted the right way convinced her into trying her hand at it. Not evil necromancy though!

Stygian Coin (Digital | Print)
This is a coin used in the soul-trade by fiends. Shiny has empowered it to lend a helping hand when fighting celestials, in case she ever faces an evil one.

Wrought-iron Knot (Digital | Print)
Shiny has made this trinket based on the Sage's Knot, a symbol of power used to ward-off the Fey used by many people around the world

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Broadleaf Axe (Digital | Print)
The Green Knight is described as a force of nature, terrifying and merciless. In the legends, their weapon is the broad leaf of an immense tree, capable of lopping heads with one blow.

The Canopy Cloak (Digital | Print)
The Green Knight is a creature of the wilderness, a manifestation of nature's chaos and its defense against humankind. Those who wear the Knight's mantle also bear this burden.

Knight-errant’s Cloak (Rare | Very Rare | Print)
A knight-errant must be ready to face all sort of dangers, but a loyal friend can make all the difference. This cloak guarantees the protection of a friendly spirit.

Sash of the Undefeated Knight (Digital | Print)
Being son to a witch has its own advantages. The Undefeated Knight sported a green sash weaved with threads and spells, which made him almost impossible to defeat in a duel. Its only downside was that it could never be taken off.

The Cat Prince’s Attire
Set Bonus (Digital | Print)

Luxury cards (Digital | Print)

The Blackcat Boots (Digital | Print)
Many mysteries surround the Court of a Thousand Cats, one of the many courts of the Fae. These boots were tailored by the paws of these feline fae to represent some of their ruler’s aspects: their unmatched speed, their claws for climbing and their legs for jumping.

It is said that Irusan, the court’s ruler, once wore this collar to a material plane outing known as the Unslept Night, when the whole cat population of a capital went up on the roofs at the same time and no-one could sleep.

The Garb of Prancing Cats (Digital | Print)
Many mysteries surround the Court of a Thousand Cats, one of the many courts of the Fae. This garb was tailored by the paws of these feline fae to represent some of their ruler’s aspects: disguising form, always falling standing and supernatural agility.

It is said that Irusan, the court’s ruler, once wore this tuxedo to a material plane outing known as the Night of Prancing Cats.

The Yellow-eye Collar (Digital | Print)
Many mysteries surround the Court of a Thousand Cats, one of the many courts of the Fae. This collar was tailored by the paws of these feline fae to represent some of their ruler’s aspects: their utter freedom and thei disarming charm.

It is said that Irusan, the court’s ruler, once wore this collar to a material plane outing known as the Night of Yellow-eyes, when an unidentified burglar described with cat-eyes stole from a whole town and was never caught.

The Curse of Arkos
The Clay Rib (Rare – Digital | Print) – (Very Rare – Digital | Print)
Secret rituals are conducted in the caverns beneath Arkos' castle. The holy places of ancient druids have been desecrated and the soft clay they revered as a source of life is now employed in twisting the lives of innocents into mindless soldiers, the Green Knights.

The Mantle of Arkos (Digital | Print)
The lands of Ursa Bluff were once the grounds of druids that held the sea and the caverns beneath the bluff as sacred. Centuries ago, when the Arkos first got there, the druids offered friendship and gifted the new arrivals with this mantle.

The Arkos, coveting the land, quickly turned to violence, using the druids’ own powers against them. The invaders are now the rulers of Ursa Bluff and no trace of the druids, other than the mantle, is left.

Sword of Forbiddance (Digital | Print)
The Sword of Forbiddance is another Arkos relic, but this one was not merely forgotten by the Lord... This tool of conquest was central to the family's betrayal of the druids, as it forced their head-priest into submission. The spot where he bent his knee is still marked on the cave's clay.

The Mint Mercenary Company
Bag of the Coin Collector (Digital | Print)
Sellswords from the Mint Mercenary Company value their pay above anything else - they expect to let anything go in exchange for a great sum of coin. That being said, they're not the type to let go of their hard-earned money with ease.

Senior officers can be seeing carrying the Collector Bags around camp and even on battlefields, certain that their riches can give them an edge even in combat.

Mercenary Whip (Digital | Print)
In the ranks of the Mint Mercenary Company, coins are the master. Even blood, love or friendship are second to the pay at the end of a contract. This intense dedication to money spins a cruel tale to its soldiers, but also gives it power to fuel magic artifacts.

The Mercenary Whip is a classic Mint weapon, having seen many battlefields and many owners, even staying at the hands of other mercenary companies from time to time, the coin being worth the rent.

Shiny’s Instant Magical Shoppe (Digital | Print)
Shiny, being quite business savvy given the day of the month, thought that she could better fund her research if she could have a shop in every corner. Having been analyzing a Mercenary Whip by the time, she took notice of the power invested in coins through their regular use and so thought of the Instant Magical Shoppe - an arcane shop in every backpack!

War Conductor & Steelsong
Set Bonus (Digital | Print)

Exclusive Battle Melodies (Digital | Print)

Steelsong (Digital – UncommonRare | Print)
The rhythms of battles and wars are indelible. Those in tune with songs and their powerful effect over soldiers can harness these rhythms to change the course of decisive battles.

War Conductor (Digital | Print)
This violin is attuned to the chants of war that permeate history. It can invoke the figures of selfless saviours, legendary commanders and vanquished foes to the battlefields of the present.

VTT Tokens
Shiny’s Sundry of Animated Objects

Shiny’s Sundry of Slimy Ooze

That’s all Shiny’s brought us to research for now, but she’s always scouring alleyways, caverns, temples and ruins for more… Thank you for the support, it's what makes her investigations and our research possible!


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