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Hello my Patrons, I hope you're doing well. Some of you may know that at my main job this time of the year I'm realy stressed with work and as a matter of fact due to some of my coworkers being ill or at holiday my workload got doubled. Sadly I won't have the extra time to work on my Patreon projects or the requests I promised you. I hope to start working on them again in the first week of January. I wish you all the best and hopefully you will hear from me again in a week or one and a half weeks. Take care!



You give us so much value for our subscription I can't imagine anyone having a problem with you taking a breather. Take as much time as you need.

Joe Fixit

Merry xmas amigo

Hotaru Tomoe

Hell, you and Shinteo are about the only Daz converters on this site that release anything faster than a trickle lol.