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Jessica aka the legendary sucka born and raised in Ohio she's 7ft 2 inches of pure sexiness. While having a nice round ass long legs and big tits its her thick juicy lips and mouth she's most proud of. Her lips are capable of growing to outrageous sizes while her mouth is capable of stretching to fit anything she wants, her tongue is also capable of stretching and to great lengths and she can control it quite well. These things combined with her god like sucking power of her mouth make the ultimate BJ machine though she won't suck just anyone.


Currently on a train towards home Jessica impatiently stands wanting get home as soon as possible.

Jessica-Damn I know my mouth game strong but I can't believe that girl just passed out while I was eating her out! Now I'm horny as SHIT need to get back home and grab that new 8 inch I bought.

Meanwhile 2 men Mike and Max look at her from behind and admire her from behind.

Max "You see her!?"

Mike "How could I not she gotta be at least 7ft tall even without the heels! And look at that ass round as a ball and thick as oatmeal."

Over hearing the 2 behind her Jessica smirks.

Jessica thinks "Then again why use an imiation when you can use the real thing, let's see what these boys are packing."

With a swift movement Jessica sends her butt flying into Mike making him sit in a near by seat. "Oops" she says sarcastically as her smile widens. Jessica stands over Mike her butt in his face "Sorry bout that its just so crowded and I'm just so curvy I guess I should take a seat" Jessica wiggles her butt and the sits right on Mikes lap grinding her butt on his dick. "Hmm not the biggest cock  but he'll do" she thinks to herself as she feels like up with her butt. "Holy shit this girl bold as fuck to just sit on the cock of a man she just met, how do I get some of that?" Wonders Max as he watches Jessica continue to rub her butt on Mike. Jessica looks over at Max noticing the growing bulge in his pants. "Oh I'm sorry did you want a pic of the action?" She says as she takes a finger and strokes Max's bulge "Come a little closer" as Max steps forward Jessica licks her lips then once his package is 9 inches away..."That's close enough... let's see if you make the cut" Max stands confused wondering what she meant, then as he stares at Jessica her lips suddenly plumpen. "Her lips just got fatter!?"As max stands in amazement Jessica starts to pucker her lips moan "MUAH" she goes" MUAH MUAH" and with each kiss Max's boner gets bigger and bigger moving closer to Jessica's mouth with every kiss until finally the tip reaches her lips."Seems you pass the dick measure test here's your reward big boi" Says Jessica as she unzips Max's pants to reveal the meaty prize inside.Jessica takes her lips and kisses the tip"MUAH MUAH MUAH" the she raps her lips around the tip and sucks it with a passion through his underwear"Slurp slurp MNM don't cream yourself now won't want to ruin those boxers of yours" No fair how come you get to be sucked on by those dsl's" protest Mike "Oh don't do that when you have a big plump ass letting your dick between its cheeks" Replies Max."MUAH now now theres plenty of ass lip and titty for the both of you. As the 2 men moan in pleasure" Why don't you 2 follow me off the next stop so i can have some fun with you two.