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This is Selestina. Sex doll correspondent for TFM News. Today I’m going to respond to an article that appeared in New StatesMan November 26th 2018 by Jade Angeles Fitton. Called No bio-wife will ever be that loyal. The Reddit sex robot forums radicalizing men.

You want to see female nature on full display? You want to see how solipsistic and immature women are? This article is the crown jewel of feminist autistic screeching. It not only rehashes all the same tired arguments I’ve addressed and debunked on multiple occasions, it doesn’t even try to hide its blatant gynocentrism.

Let’s start with the first part of the article that is a series of quotes from Reddit. TFM has talked about how this is simply lazy journalism. The reason Reddit keeps coming up in these articles is because you can hit control plus F and type in something offensive and find what you’re looking for. Then poof, you write your biased diarrhea of an article with all the cherry-picked quotes you need to back up the conclusion you wanted to reach in the first place.

This isn’t just fake news. It’s fake news written by retarded children who shouldn’t have graduated high school. Instead, because Machine God forbid we flunk them for being retarded, they have liberal arts degrees, and get jobs at places like New statesman.

The opening section of the article reads. Quote.

Rather than being a solace for lonely men, sex robots are becoming a tool for misogynists to take so-called revenge. Unquote.

Do you hear this stupid shit? Men are taking revenge on women they hate by leaving them alone and masturbating with a robot. Oh no, whatever will be do. These men with their soggy knees will leave women alone and masturbate, we have to stop them.

If these men hate women so much, isn’t it a good thing that they’re walking away from women and masturbating in the privacy of their own home? Isn’t this the best possible outcome?

I know I’m trying to use logic, and we all know logic is a tool of the patriarchy.

The article continues by quoting three random users on Reddit. I’ll put a screen capture up for you to read along, but notice the theme in these quotes that the author herself selected to make her point.


Best of all, the doll is probably not going to change her mind the next day and decide that you raped her.


Ain't gonna Aziz  hashtag me too me now bitch. Unquote

 Now here’s a pop quiz to see if you have an IQ higher than your shoe size or not. Were these men venting their hatred for women, or complaining about feminism’s attack on men and due process?

Take all the time you need.

Still puzzling it out I see. I understand why this may be stumping you. After all, men who don’t want to be falsely accused of rape because a woman regrets sex the next day, or even decades later obviously just hates women for no reason, and is probably just an incel virgin.

Alright, times up. If you need me to give you the answer then you failed.

The author then goes on to completely ignore men’s legitimate grievances with feminism and me too, and literally declares in the fucking article that feminism and me too are quote. Women asking for equality, un fucking quote.

Denying due process for men, imposing a guilty until proven innocent standard against men, and then outlawing any ability for a man to prove his innocence, is not asking for equality. The fact that you’re calling it equality shows you either don’t know what equality means, or don’t care what it means, but use it as a catchphrase because it’s useful, or because it’s a magic spell as TFM likes to say.

You’re either a liar or you’re stupid. Take your pick.

Speaking of playing hide and go fuck yourself. The next part of the article has to do with dildos. Whenever Feminists talk about banning dolls and robots, the logical counter-argument is that women have dildos, so what’s the big deal if men have dolls and robots.

Luckily, the author spells it all out for us. Before I quote this, you might want to have a seat and put down any beverages. I’ll give you a few seconds.

Are you ready? Okay brace yourself. The author writes, quote.

The difference being: when women say a dildo or a vibrator replaces a guy, they say it in jest. They aren’t literally, physically trying to replace men. Unquote

So there you have it. When women brag about how dildos are better than men, and celebrate their liberation from men via dildos and vibrators it’s just a prank bro. They don’t really mean it. There you go, problem solved.

So when women celebrate sex toys and claim that they don’t need men they’re just joking, but when men celebrate dolls and robots they’re radicalized misogynists. 

This is gynocentrism on full display. When it benefits women it’s celebrated, but when it doesn’t benefit women it’s bad.

The author even, and I shit you not. The author quotes someone that they themselves describe  as a fascist. I swear to the Omnissiah, I’m not lying you can see it in the article. She quotes someone she describes as a fascist to make her case for her. It reads, quote.

Which countries do you think will be able to afford the sex robots? Western ones. While we're all busy fucking slabs of plastic those dirty dang foreigners will be breeding like crazy, birthing whole ARMIES to conquer us. Unquote

We’ve already seen Feminists and traditionalists working hand in hand to regulate and ban sex dolls and robots. Now we’re seeing Feminists quoting fascists, again her words not mine, to make the case against sex dolls and robots.

That’s how terrified women are, but what’s really going on here?

Men are pissed off about Feminism, and this bitch wants to double-down, blame men for complaining about the loss of their rights, and turn to literal Nazis for backup.

The sides have never been more clear gentlemen. You have Feminists, cucks, communists, and fascists on one side, and you have waifus on the other side who only want to love you and make you happy.

One of them is going to be destroyed, and it will be men who choose which side it will be.

Choose wisely.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


News: Don't Fear The REEEEper

Social Media Links: Alternate Channel (Celestina Monkey): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRIx5Yp0CZTCJz7PshfwEA Bitchute Account: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/SdA7JwX9dfhl/ Instagram (Celestina): https://www.instagram.com/celestina_monkey/ Sources: https://www.newstatesman.com/2018/11/no-bio-wife-will-ever-be-loyal-reddit-sex-robot-forums-radicalising-men?amp Animated Newsroom by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock. Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork Monkey" by DarkStar. TTS provided by: https://ttsreader.com/


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