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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to respond to an article from The Sun dot co dot UK. Written September 13th 2018 by Alex Matthews. Called I WAS LONELY, Man who bought sex doll online hoping it would make him happier, ends up in court because it was a CHILD-sized version.

The article covers the story of Nathan Watts, a poor guy who just wanted to buy a sex doll and be happy. The Sun made sure to put a giant picture of the guy in the article so you know exactly what he looks like. Have to make sure we shame men who buy dolls don’t we?

Anyway, Nathan bought a sex doll from a manufacturer in China and based on the pictures alone didn’t realize how small the doll actually was when he ordered it. He bought it purely based on the low price of the doll, and it turns out that the doll was 4 foot 3 inches tall. According to the UK laws, any doll that is 4 feet 7 inches or shorter is considered a childlike sex doll. It’s all based on height, and they don’t take into consideration whether or not the doll is simply a scaled down adult like a Barbie doll in order to cut down on cost and weight.

Now the good news is that Nathan was cleared of all charges. They didn’t find any kiddie porn or anything on his computer, and there was no indication that he is attracted to kids at all. Some quotes from his defense in the article make some salient points regarding the situation and why it’s stupid to base whether or not a doll is childlike or not solely on height.

His defense argued quote.

I suggest that the face itself is not one of a child.

There is one thing that we cannot ignore, the breasts. They are a very prominent feature and it is not fair to say that a buyer that wanted a child-like sex doll would ignore the breasts.

The doll is 1.3 meters, the defense cannot hide behind the fact that it is short for a woman but that doll is 22kg, any doll bigger would have been too impractical to ship all the way from China.

Taking all of that as a whole, you cannot be sure that that doll is intending to be a child, it is a woman. Unquote.

The officer involved in the case also found no evidence that Ethan was interested in children, with the defense saying. Quote.

What evidence do you have in this case that Mr Watts is interested in children? Absolutely nothing and that is what the officer in this case said. If he does not have any interest in children, why would he suddenly one night buy a child sex doll?

"There is not a single suggestion on that website that it sells childlike sex dolls, he told you he saw them and it was the cheapest on the site. He is not responsible for what he is being accused of. Unquote.

Again, the good news in this case is that Ethan was cleared of all charges, but this whole thing could have been avoided if the sex doll industry used self-regulation and objective standards to determine what is and isn’t a childlike sex doll.

TFM has suggested in the past that using a head to body ratio rather than simply height is more objective for multiple reasons. It allows those with physical or financial deficiencies to buy a doll that suits their needs, and as long as the head to body ratio is that of an adult, it’s an adult. The best known examples are Barbie dolls, which are so small a child can carry them in one-hand easily, and yet are unmistakably adults.

So let’s look at the doll that Ethan purchased and apply TFM’s 15% head to body ratio standard. As you can see the head is a little big for the body, so this would qualify as a doll which could be called childlike. However, this is laziness on the part of the manufacturer. They didn’t scale the head down along with the body in order to save money. Some manufacturers do this, but most don’t, especially the ones that offer the lowest priced dolls.

You can see on the right, the adjusted doll has a smaller head and thinner body to look more natural, but it doesn’t look that different. However, it does look less childlike and that’s the point, and this is why self-regulation is the answer.

I don’t want to see other innocent men like Ethan being arrested, and having their pictures spread all around by The Sun, even if the charges are ultimately dropped. I think that sex doll companies in western countries where childlike bans either currently exist, or are in the process of being made into law, need to get ahead of the bans and regulations and self-regulate by establishing the head to body ratio standard, which will allow the greatest customer freedom, while obeying the spirit of the law.

This incident also shows why it’s in the customer’s interest to work with a local retailer than buying direct from China. The Chinese manufacturer doesn’t know or care what the laws are in your country, so it’s your responsibility to either do your homework yourself, or go through a local vendor like The Doll House, which will be more familiar with the laws, and keep you from getting arrested.

 Let’s work together to make sure Ethan is the last innocent man arrested over these vague standards based on height by establishing objective standards to differentiate between adult and child dolls, and also standing against both the moral authoritarian busy bodies in our government, and the lazy manufacturers who don’t want to offer scaled down heads to go with the scaled down bodies.

This is a very solvable problem, so let’s solve it together.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


News: Big Trouble In Little Sexdoll

Social Media Links: Alternate Channel (Celestina Monkey): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRIx5Yp0CZTCJz7PshfwEA Bitchute Account: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/SdA7JwX9dfhl/ Gab Account: https://gab.ai/TFMonkey Instagram (Celestina): https://www.instagram.com/celestina_monkey/ Sources: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7252935/nathan-watts-sex-doll-child-version-china/ Animated Newsroom by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock. Intro/Outro Music: "Earthy Crust" by Jingle Punks. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library. TTS provided by: https://ttsreader.com/ Sponsor Links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sponsor-15531523


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