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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to several articles and a video. I have a lot to unpack, so without further adu let’s get started.

Russia Today released a documentary earlier this week called Substitutes: Japanese men woo silicone sex dolls to overcome loneliness. TFM and I thought it was pretty good. It presented doll owners sympathetically, and reserved judgement for the most part. You got to see how these Japanese men, many of whom were older, were finding happiness for themselves using love dolls.

Since YouTube is going to demonetize this video anyway, I might as well show you some clips from the documentary. The one advantage of knowing your video is going to be demonetized is that you can use all the copyrighted material you want. That’s called turning lemons into lemonade my dudes.

One part that stuck out a bit was the part where the documentary called attention to Japan’s fertility problem, as if to insinuate that the sex dolls were causing the fertility problem, when in reality the prevalence of sex dolls are a symptom of the same disease that’s also causing the fertility problem. Let’s take a look at that clip now.

So they didn’t come right out and blame sex dolls for the low Japanese fertility, but they presented them in such a way that some ignorant jackass without any grasp of the fact could come to that conclusion based on pure emotional reason.

But surely only some insane blogger or Feminist would come to that conclusion right? Surely no actual media outlet would push such insane nonsense would they?

Enter The Daily Star, who published an article on July 24th 2018 called. Sex robots turning Japanese into 'ENDANGERED species' as men choose dolls over women. By Joshua Nevett.

I’ll read some choice bits of misinformation from the article. It reads. Quote.

in Japan, there are fears the widespread use of silicone love dolls is accentuating the declining birth-rate and population.

Japan’s birth-rate fell below one million last year, a trend that has partially been blamed on the rise of sex dolls by some demography experts.

A documentary by RT, titled “Substitutes”, lays bare the concerning trend of men opting for sex dolls instead of women.

The film examines how sex dolls are reducing the birth-rate and fuelling "a national mood of loneliness and alienation". Unquote

Holy Shit. This is so wrong. There is a logical fallacy called the Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. This fallacy relates to people blaming a thing on something that happened after that thing in the mistaken belief that it was caused by the thing in question.

A famous example is autism being caused by vaccines. Because the symptoms of autism begin around age 5, and because children get vaccinated around age 5 in preparation for kindergarten, people mistakenly believed that vaccines were causing autism.

In fact, there is probably someone in the comments of this video who still believes that they do. Go ahead and find the comment and laugh at him. Let’s point and laugh at him together.

Anyway, let’s just say sex dolls were invented, and the following year, the fertility rate crashed. People would point to the advent of the sex dolls, followed by the drop in fertility, and blame the dolls. This could be an example of a Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy assuming that the actual cause was unrelated.

However, this is how retarded these people are who are trying to blame sex dolls. The crash in Japanese fertility happened in the 1940s, with silicone sex dolls only being invented in the early 2000s, with TPE dolls not being invented until 2012.

How could they blame sex dolls for something that happened over 50 years before modern lifelike sex dolls were invented?

Again, Russia Today didn’t say that sex dolls were responsible, they just presented the facts in such a way as to cause idiots to come to that conclusion, a lie of omission at worst. However, The Daily Star is outright lying by blaming sex dolls.

Do you want to know what caused the fertility crash in Japan?

I know what it is. Do you want me to tell you?

It was giving women equal rights.

What? You want further proof? This clear as day chart not convincing enough for you?

Okay my little disbelieving meatbags, gather around and let Aunt Selestina break it down for you.

In a 1994 study called The difference in fertility between urban and rural areas and its impact on the process of urbanization. By Li and Wang. Part of the abstract reads. Quote.

Differential fertility has been evident over the past 40 years. There has been a consistently higher rural fertility rate, even though urban population has been expanding. Rates could be the same if underlying conditions were equalized: age structure, marriage rates, economic development, educational level, employment rate, and population policy. Changes in these factors in rural areas is long term and it is unlikely the rural and urban fertility will be the same. Unquote.

So rural areas have more children, so what? I hear you saying. Hold on, we’re not done yet.

In 2011 a UK Feminist blog published an article called Overpopulation – blame patriarchy, which read in part. Quote.

The one and only solution to “overpopulation” has been spelled out by feminists enough times for the whole world to know it backwards and forwards. But I’ll say it again. The only way to prevent overpopulation is to empower women. That’s it.

Of course, to us feminists, this “solution” rings unbelievably obvious. When women have control over their lives and their environments, they have fewer children. Unquote.

Not good enough you say? You’d like a more authoritative source?

2017. USA Today. Why World Population Day is really about women. It reads. Quote.

The population of the least developed countries grows about 2.4% per year, with a birthrate of 4.3 children per woman. DeSouza said this rate of growth will be unsustainable if the level of consumption in developing countries reaches that of the industrialized world.

Many African countries are addressing this issue by investing money in women’s empowerment, including the unmet need for contraceptives and education, he said. Improving women’s rights can be a powerful tool to tackle unsustainable population growth:

In both the developing and industrialized world, women with more education have fewer children, according to the World Bank. 

Access to safe family planning options not only allows women to become more economically productive but would also result in a 75% decline in unintended pregnancies, unplanned births and induced abortions in developing regions, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive justice and sexual health research institution.

Access to contraception and information about family planning are vital components of gender equality. According to the UNFPA, "When women and couples are empowered to plan whether and when to have children, women are better enabled to complete their education; women’s autonomy within their households is increased; and their earning power is improved." Unquote

You get the picture yet? Is that chart I showed earlier starting to make sense yet?

The fertility collapse of Japan and not just Japan, but everywhere, is caused by empowering women. Period. Full  Stop.

Stop blaming sex dolls. Stop blaming pornography. Stop blaming videogames.

Do you know why men are choosing those things over marriage? Because you stripped men of their authority over women and family in the name of empowering women.

Now you have your empowered women, and you’re dying as a result. Not just Japan, the entire western world is dying. The only difference is Japan isn’t flooding their country with immigrants in order to artificially keep their population stable, but all you have to do is look at Germany, Sweden, or the UK to know that brings its own set of problems.

So you have two choices. This doesn’t just go for Japan, but for all the countries with a low fertility rate. You either take women’s rights away, and restore male authority over women, families, and society. Or you go extinct, and be replaced by societies which know how to keep their pimp hand strong.

Blaming sex dolls, pornography, and videogames isn’t going to save your society. It only shows that you’re part of the problem by blaming men for the problems caused by women.

Luckily, we have the power to solve the problem. Men can take women’s rights away tomorrow, and save their society from demographic collapse and replacement.

However, it requires you to stop worshiping women, and actually act like men for the first time in your miserable cuck lives.

Do you want to save yourselves, your families, your races, your countries, and western civilization itself?

Good. Now stop attacking sex dolls, and take women’s rights away.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


News: The Substitute Teacher Has Arrived

Never send a Russian Bot to do a Sex Doll's job. Social Media Links: Alternate Channel (Celestina Monkey): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRIx5Yp0CZTCJz7PshfwEA Bitchute Account: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/SdA7JwX9dfhl/ Gab Account: https://gab.ai/TFMonkey Instagram (Celestina): https://www.instagram.com/celestina_monkey/ Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgbTrusgsqA https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/718599/sex-robots-dolls-japan-endangered-species-documentary-video-news https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12288643 https://www.thefword.org.uk/2011/11/overpopulation_/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/07/11/world-population-day-women/464945001/ Additional Sources: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=overpopulation+women%27s+rights Animated Newsroom by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock. Intro/Outro Music: "Earthy Crust" by Jingle Punks. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library. TTS provided by: https://ttsreader.com/ Sponsor Links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sponsor-15531523


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