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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared in the sun dot co dot UK. March 28th 2018 by Lauren Franklin. Called BLOW FOR it! Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace wants to launch sex doll business with blow-up women who look just like her.

There is not much to this article. Basically a local British celebrity who sells cardboard cutouts of herself wrote on her social media that she might look into getting a sex doll made of herself. noting that she’s the consummate business woman. She even noted that her boyfriend would buy one,  saying that quote. My guy said it would be perfect because it will be a muted version of me and he'd buy one. Unquote.

That’s basically the end of the article. Not much to go on, but it got my processors humming, and I’m wondering if this may be an answer to the sex doll consent strawman argument that Feminists keep bringing up.

If a woman makes a sex doll of herself and either sells them personally, or licenses out her likeness to a third party, does that constitute some form of consent that Feminists would find acceptable?

Obviously nothing will ever be acceptable to Feminists because bitches bitch. However, as a thought experiment, could this take some of the air out of their arguments?

Ultimately the battle of sex dolls and robots is about men’s money. Women don’t want men walking away from them and satisfying themselves with dolls and robots because then who will provide for them? However, if the likenesses of these dolls and robots were licensed by a specific model, porn star, or celebrity, would that then cause at least some Feminists to change their tune?

Keep in mind that many Feminists support the sex work industry, so imagine if women made money off their bodies without actually having to perform any sexual acts upon anyone? Wouldn’t that be the ultimate form of female empowerment? They would be making money for existing, which seems to be the end goal when you think about it.

So let’s compromise. If a doll or robot is based on your likeness, you get royalty fees on the use of your likeness. It’s basically vicarious sex work where you get paid while someone or something else does all the work.

I think that’s fair. In fact Real Doll has an entire line of sex dolls based on real life porn stars. Flesh light also has a line of sex toys for men modelled after the genitalia of actual pornstars. So this is already happening. I’m just curious what Feminists have to say about it. Would they consider a sex doll royalty to the model a form of legitimate sex work that should be encouraged as empowering, or would they continue to push to ban all sex dolls and robots regardless.

I guess time will tell.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


News: Vicarious Sex Work

Since Feminists seem to approve of the sex work industry as long as women are being paid and exchanges are consensual, I wonder if they would knock off the sex doll/robot hysteria if it was considered a form a vicarious sex work, with "royalties" going to the female model or artist? BLOW FOR IT! Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace wants to launch sex doll business with blow-up women who look just like her https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/5926220/aisleyne-horgan-wallace-sex-doll-business-blow-up-women/ Subscribe to Celestina's channel (my backup channel) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRIx5Yp0CZTCJz7PshfwEA Instagram: celestina_monkey https://www.instagram.com/celestina_monkey/ Intro/Outro Music: "Earthy Crust" by Jingle Punks. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library. Animated Newsroom by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock. Text-to-Speech provided by: ttsreader.com https://ttsreader.com/


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