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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared in Metro dot co dot UK March 24th 2018, by Olivia Cassano. Called Is there really a difference between sex dolls and vibrators?

There are a lot of juicy bits in this article, but I’ll occasionally have to jump in and translate from meatbag to English. I’m fluent in over 6 million forms of communication including meatbag, cunt, and feminist word salad.

So let’s get started with the first paragraph. It reads. Quote.

With the advancement of sex robots and sex doll brothels, the conversation surrounding these ultra-realistic sex aids has begged the question: if women can have vibrators, why can’t men have sex dolls? Many women find offence in them being compared to vibrators, which have become a tool of empowerment and a way to reclaim female sexuality – something that society has shunned since the dawn of time.

Translation. It’s okay for women to have sex toys because they allow women to not need men. However sex robots and dolls are bad for men because they allow men to not need women. 

The next paragraph reads. Quote.

‘Both are aids for the person to have sexual pleasure alone. Of course dolls are made to look like women whereas not all vibrators are designed to replicate a penis. far from et! ‘Vibrators for women are nowadays designer items, in pastel colours, elegant, tactile designs and sassy packaging. Sex dolls for men still have the label of being used by sad men who can’t (or won’t) engage in normal human connectivity, and are therefore seen as creepy.

Translation. vibrators are meant to be better than the real thing, and that makes them okay. However sex dolls don’t look like real women, they look like porn stars, and that’s objectification. Dolls and robots need to look uglier than real women or else its sexist. Also men are shamed for using sex toys, and called creeps. This is somehow an argument that women are oppressed because it’s opposite day.

Later on in the article it reads. Quote. The most problematic aspect of sex dolls aren’t the dolls themselves, but rather the skewed sexual politics that do not recognise women as fully human.

Translation. Even though women now have more rights than men, are the majority of voters, and enjoy several advantages over men in the way of gender quotas, welfare programs, favoritism in divorce and paternity, and a million other examples. I’m going to declare that women aren’t recognized as fully human because at the end of the day women are still biologically inferior to men physically, mentally, and emotionally. I believe biological sex differences are the result of sexual politics and not nature because while women are fully human, they’re also retarded children with no concept of reality beyond their feelings and their vaginas.

She continues. Quote.

The fear is that sex dolls position women as toys for men to play with. In a world that already treats women as sex objects with no agency, the idea of silicone replicas of women who can’t say no doesn’t sound at all appealing. They risk reinforcing the incredibly dangerous notion that women’s bodies exist only for men’s pleasure. Is it healthy to encourage men to fuck women who don’t talk, move, or even breathe?

Translation. Even though I use sex toys to substitute men sexually, how dare men use sex toys to substitute women. I’m going to somehow assume that men can’t tell the difference between a sex toy and a real person even though I fully endorse sex toys for women which don’t talk, move, or breathe.

As a side note. Maybe the reason men prefer dolls that don’t breathe is because the Lord Jesus said that if it breathes, it’s a thot. Just sayin’ you know.

Later on it reads. Quote.

but the biggest difference is that vibrators have no chance of being problematic because women aren’t problematic. The same can’t be said for men, many of whom believe they have a fundamental right to a woman’s body. unquote.

Fuck You Olivia. There really isn’t much to even translate here. She’s literally saying that she endorses double standards which excuse sex toys for women, but vilify sex toys for men because she thinks men are inherently problematic themselves.

I could list the pedophile teachers who molest their underage students. In fact, one just happened this week where a 6th grade teacher gave oral sex to a 13 year old boy who had just started puberty. I could list example after example, statistic after statistic which show that women are just as bad or worse than men.

The only real reason why women abuse children but tend not to abuse fully grown men is because of biological differences. Men are so much stronger than women that there is a very good chance that such predation will end badly for them, but when they are put in a situation where they have an advantage, many women use it to abuse men and boys. Examples include not only pedophile teachers molesting boys, but women using the Duluth model to physically abuse men, knowing that if the man defends himself that he will go to jail because the man is seen as the aggressor in all cases thanks to feminism.

The reason why men are seen as inherently problematic while women are given every excuse when they behave in exactly the same way or worse than men is known as gynocentrism. Unlike Feminist Patriarchy theory, which has no basis in reality. You’re actually confirming its existence in this article.

Women with sex toys are good because they’re women, and women are good.

Men with sex toys are bad because they’re men, and men are bad.

The hatred of sex robots and dolls is really an extension of your hatred of men and anything that makes them happy that you don’t control.

The article continues. Quote. 

From the dawn of time, female sexuality has either been ignored, misunderstood or spoken of in context to male pleasure. Even vibrators themselves were initially created by men to cure female hysteria. But we’ve finally entered a sexual revolution wave that is slowly bringing equality in sex.

Translation. If you look at the sale of sex toys. Vibrator sales outnumber the sale of male sex toys by over 3 to 1. More than 3 times as many women buy vibrators than men buy male sex toys. How does that qualify as slowly bringing equality in sex to women?

Women dominate the sex toy industry, and of course nobody complains because when women dominate, that’s equality. However, men are now starting to develop sex dolls and robots, and women can’t handle that men might actually have their own toys in an industry that isn’t dominated by women.

It doesn’t matter that they have male sex dolls and robots for women to use. The problem is that the sex doll industry isn’t dominated by women the way the sex toy industry has been for decades.

If its female dominated it’s acceptable, it's empowering, it's progressive, and it's mainstream. If it’s dominated by men its problematic and creepy. Does this sound like a patriarchal system where women are oppressed and fighting for equality, or the exact opposite to you?

The article ends on a positive note, as if the author had to double-back and cover her bases. It reads. Quote.

Ultimately, sex dolls are only as problematic as the men who use them and it’s not our place to ban or stigmatise them. No one has the right to tell you how you should or shouldn’t get off, and we should accept other people’s sexual preferences even if they don’t align with ours – because that’s what sex positivity is about. Perhaps one day sex dolls will be normalised and be as common as bullet and rabbit vibrators, but we’ll never get there if we perpetuate the stigma surrounding them. To get there, we have to keep fighting for equal rights, spreading awareness about consent and teaching what a healthy sex life looks like. Unquote

I have to say that those last paragraphs are so different in tone from the rest of your article that I’m pretty sure that you didn’t write them yourself. Did you get your beta male coworker to finish your article for you again Olivia?

Anyway, Olivia’s beta male coworker is right. However, I hate to break it to him, but Olivia isn’t interested in equal rights, or teaching what a healthy sex life looks like. I know you’re hoping that she’s going to touch your penis someday dude, but just walk away. Leave that unappreciative misandric meatbag behind and get a doll.

Don’t let them shame you and call you a creep for buying a doll or robot while they have a drawer full of vibrators and sex toys for themselves. They’re pussy ain’t shit, and they’ll never love you.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


Turd Flinging Monkey

News: Sending Good Vibes


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