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This is Selestina. Sex doll correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared in the Guardian, December 2nd 2017 by Barbara Ellen. Called Female sex robots, feel free to replace us if you want to.

I debated whether or not to cover this article because on the surface this is another sour grapes article by a strong independent woman that don’t need no man. However, there are a few unique points that I felt were worth responding to.

Starting in the 4th and 5th paragraphs it reads. Quote.

Right now, the sex robots that were born out of pornography seem doomed to reflect their source in all the usual derogatory, dehumanizing, misogynistic ways, while adding a few more for good measure.

It’s telling that these robots only endeavor to be “realistic” when it comes to their techno-squelchy sexual parts, while remaining unrealistic in terms of female beauty and everyday relationship interaction. Or Maybe they will be programmed to say, 'Take me big boy 
 and also take the bins out'. It’s also tragic to think of humans having sex, not with each other, but with something that has more in common with an interactive (albeit very turned-on) Furby. Couldn’t humankind, even at its loneliest, and most damaged, do a bit better than that? Unquote

Let me translate from woman to English so you know what she’s complaining about.

Sex robots are too feminine, and are based too much on what men look for in a woman. If women make men happy that’s unrealistic, dehumanizing and misogynistic.

In order to make sex robots realistic, men need to serve them like they serve women. If men don’t want to serve a woman like a slave in exchange for occasional sex, then they’re a damaged and lonely.

Can’t we, and by we I mean men, do better? And by better I mean, serve women?

Do you think that’s hyperbolic, or that I’m mis-characterizing Barbara Ellen as a man hating female supremacist?

Well, let’s look at an article she wrote in 2009, again for the Guardian. called This shameful liaison does not deserve prison. I’m just going to directly quote the article, which is about a 39 year old teacher raping a 15 year old male student. It reads. Quote.

Looking at the case of Madeleine Martin, the 39-year-old RE teacher and mother of two, jailed for 32 months and placed on the sex offenders' register for sleeping with a 15-year-old male pupil, do we seriously think that a female teacher sleeping with a male pupil is on a par with a male teacher sleeping with a girl pupil? I don't. And neither, I'd wager, would most 15-year-old boys. Unquote.

Actually Barbara, it’s worse because girls start puberty around age 11, while boys don’t start puberty until age 13. A 15 year old boy has the equivalent physical maturity of a 13 year old girl. Would you tolerate a 40 year old male teacher raping a 13 year old girl and only getting sentenced to 32 months in prison? Of course not.

Would you tolerate a defense that a 13 year old girl can give informed consent to have a sexual relationship with an authority figure given her age, lack of mental maturity, and lack of knowledge of the long term consequences, based solely on the girl having a sex drive due to puberty? No, of course not.

However, that’s the argument you yourself make when defending a pedophile teacher praying on physically immature school boys. You say that, and I quote.

While a large proportion of teenage boys may not have the sense to make the best choices, they are "up for it," none the less. This is why, in my view, a male teacher sleeping with a girl pupil amounts to statutory rape, whereas a female teacher sleeping with a 15-year-old male is a far greyer moral area. Unquote.

This is who Barbara Ellen is. 40 year old female pedophile teachers abusing their authority to pray on confused and physically immature teenage boys dindu nuffin, because ma feminism. ma patriarchy. ma social construct.

Is it really a surprise that Barbara Ellen would conclude that a sex robot based on the feminine ideal that men desire is seen as unrealistic, dehumanizing, and misogynistic?

What’s interesting isn’t that she is a man hating Feminist willing to defend pedophiles, but what she says next about these men who are sick of her, and women like her, and would rather get a robot than deal with their bullshit. The article reads. Quote.

if now these men are going to be busy playing with sex-bots, and no longer bothering, boring, or unnerving real women
 well, holla loo ya for that!

This is why, far from bridling at being replaced, some women may just feel bizarrely, irrationally sorry for Harmony and her porno-bot sisters. We know what’s coming, so to speak. Indeed, considering the types of men who would buy sex-bots, it doesn’t seem too much of a loss for womankind; if anything, it borders on a boon. A case of: “Great, replace us, go ahead!” unquote.

I almost want to see the look on your face when you realize how screwed women are when men replace you, and no longer have a reason to put up with your bullshit.

Women never fought for anything in their history on Earth. They batted their eyes, and recruited men to white knight and fight on their behalf. That’s how women have accomplished everything throughout history.

What are women going to do when men don’t need them anymore, and tell women no?

But allow me to rephrase your own words.

it doesn’t seem too much of a loss for mankind; if anything, it borders on a boon!

This is Selestina. Sex doll correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


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