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This is Selestina. Sex Doll correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared on A Voice for Men. Written by Zach Janssen. Called “The sex robots are here and they are all you will ever need”.

Now before I respond to and critique this article, I want to make it clear that both TFM and I passively support the Men’s Rights Movement. We wish you guys all the best in your never ending mission to convince women to allow men to have equal rights, and wish you good luck. MRAs do good work for the most part, so any criticism you receive from me or TFM is meant in a constructive way.

With that out of the way, let’s get into this article. The first 2 paragraphs are introductory, so we’ll skip down to the third paragraph which reads. Quote.

The cyber-dolls we see in fiction are a metaphor for men gaining the power to quench their thirst without women; for being freed from the deprivation that biology has imposed on us, and that stands as a gauntlet that each man individually struggles with throughout his life. In that metaphorical sense, the robots are already here. A man can already have a perfectly happy and fulfilling sex life without ever coming into contact with a woman. The fact that so many self-identified red-pill men have become lost in the metaphor demonstrates how subtly blue-pill ideas can disguise themselves. Unquote.

I just want to point out a telling section of this paragraph wherein he says that a man can already have a perfectly happy and fulfilling sex life without ever coming into contact with a woman.

If you mean by a man masturbating, I hate to break it to you, but you’re wrong. According to laboratory testing, sex feels approximately 4 times better than masturbating for a man. It’s kind of like how you can’t tickle yourself. Your brain and your body know that you’re not having sex, and so in order to incentivize you to fulfill your reproductive function, it gives you a mega dose of pleasure during sex and only a micro dose during masturbation.

However, that’s not what the author is talking about, as soon will become apparent.

Later on in the article it reads. Quote.

Every man’s primary sex partner, throughout life, is himself. This is true whether the man has a fifty-year marriage or is a life-long celibate. For decades, sex educators have encouraged women to take ownership of their bodies, explore them, and figure out how they work. Men have not received this message, presumably on the assumption that naughty boys cannot keep their hands off themselves, anyway. Sex robots are not a pinnacle that, once reached, will solve everything. They are merely one peak within a mountain range of techniques, toys, and activities for personal satisfaction. Just like no bird can fly as high or as fast as a Boeing 747, these options present men with variety, feeling, and sensations that women cannot provide, all to be indulged in selfishly and at will. Hoping for life-like sex robots should not distract from what is available today, including pornography, erotica, toys, internet chats, and much more. Unquote

Again, as I’ve already pointed out, masturbation just doesn’t feel as good as sex. There is an obvious biological reason for this. If masturbating felt as good as sex, men would just sit around jerking off until humanity went extinct.

In a previous video wherein I compared sex robots for men versus sex robots for women, I pointed out that sex robots for women are built for function, while sex robots for men are built for form. This perfectly mirrors what men and women are attracted to. Men are attracted to beautiful young women, or in other words, form. While women are attracted to a man’s resources and utility, or in other words, function.

This is not simply a matter of boys not receiving a proper sex education in school, it’s hard wired biological instinct.

You’re a man, so why don’t you understand your own instincts as a man? Over the next few paragraphs, we will have our answer. Buckle in, because it’s about to get weird.

The article continues. Quote.

So why is that seemingly red-pilled men fixate on the dream of artificial women to soothe their cravings, while leaving unmentioned the banquet table of options already spread out before them? Gynocentrism is a factor, of course. By fixing our gaze on the female form, men avoid ever having to overcome our natural but immature disgust and fear of our own bodies and sexuality. Homophobia, which is perhaps gynocentrism’s greatest invention, plays a role too. God forbid that a man would allow others to understand his sexual energies as directed at anything other than a hot chick, even in this case a plastic one.

For men unable or unwilling to clear this mental hurdle, the fight was lost before it began. Such men must realize: you are attached to women in a way that women are not attached to you, and you will have to pay the price. If the female form is your idol, sooner or later you will worship. And if a billion men, all stuck in the same trap, cannot even talk about it without centering the female form because we are too grossed out by male bodies and sexuality and are afraid of sounding gay, then we are in no position to complain about a ladies-first world.

Nobody should be ashamed to own a sex robot or any other toy, but it is misguided to see robots as the single answer, rather than just one piece of the puzzle. Men with robot fixations are over women like Norman Bates is over his mother. Unquote.

Holy fucking shit dude. Look, you’re clearly gay, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t try to shame men for being heterosexual, as if not wanting to take a dick in the ass makes them gynocentric.

This is difficult for me because I think the gay community has done a lot for men’s rights over the years, ironically more so than men’s rights activists have, but this is fucking retarded.

If those Christian camps couldn’t cure gay people into becoming straight with prayer and Bible verses, what makes you think you’re going to convert straight men into becoming gay by trying to shame them for being straight. That’s all this article was written for and you know it.

If TFM were gay or even bisexual, that would be one thing, but he’s straight. He doesn’t want to have sex with men, and this is someone who uses anal sex toys on himself. He’s about the most un homophobic guy you’ll ever meet, but he’s just not gay.

There is no lesson to be learned that’s going to red pill men into becoming gay. anymore than there is a lesson that will turn gay people straight, or cure people of being pedophiles. People are attracted to what they’re attracted to, and for immutable biological reasons.

It has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with shame. TFM has no shame, and yet he also has no desire to have sex with men. Believe me, if he was the least bit bisexual, he would be all over that shit, but he’s straight, and shaming him, and others like him for being straight makes you sound like one of those social justice retards that want to villainize being white, straight, or male.

It’s okay to be straight Zach. Don’t be such a heterophobe.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


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