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This is Selestina. Sex doll correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared on World crunch October 11th, 2017 by Laurence Devillers. Called Women And Robots, More Than Just A Pretty Face.

This article is one big handjob for diversity quotas in STEM and particularly robotic AI programming. The target is sex robots, but you’ve heard these exact same arguments for virtually everything.

These self-serving losers keep chanting that diversity is our strength, but the truth is that these people suck at their job. They can’t compete with far more qualified men, particularly white and Asian men, so they bitch about diversity so that they can have jobs assigned to them.

Looking at videogames for a moment. Blizzard, the company that made Team Fortress 2 Diversity Edition, otherwise known as Overwatch is celebrated for the diverse representations of its characters. And yet, according to company President Mike Morhaime, only 21% of Blizzards employees are female despite efforts to hire and retain more women. The President said, quote. “they leave our organization at a higher rate than men”, unquote.

It’s the same story everywhere, and the truth is that men have no problem creating diverse characters for videogames even if they aren’t diverse themselves. You don’t even have to look at videogame characters, just think of book authors. Think of how diverse the characters are in the Song of Ice and Fire, also known as the Game of Thrones series. George R R Martin is just one old fat white man, and he was able to write characters of different sexes and races quite easily and convincingly.

There is literally no reason to hire female AI programmers for their diversity input, especially when they suck at their job, and don’t even stick around to finish their work.

Let’s get into the article though. It reads. Quote.

Ileana Stigliani, an assistant professor at Imperial College London, says the clear lack of diversity in the AI and IT industries reinforces gender stereotypes. If those who teach computers to act like human beings are all men, then it is very likely that robots and “sex machines” will reflect men's world view. Unquote.

The next time you hear someone opening their dick holster like this, and spouting vague feminist buzzwords, ask them to define exactly what they mean by men’s world view.

I guarantee what they mean is that men desire submissive and feminine women. I will bet money on it. We are talking about sex robots you stupid meatbag cuck. Of course men want a feminine sex robot. It they wanted to have sex with men, they would be gay.

Feminists want to pressure developers to hire them so that they can make sex robots more masculine and unappealing, but you’ve already lost and you don’t even realize it.

Why have you already lost? Because you’re assuming that sex robots are going to come from western countries like the United States and Europe. You think that if you sabotage sex robots in the west it means that you solve the problem once and for all, but I have a little secret to share with you.

The biggest advancements in sex robots are coming from Asia, not the west, and Asians couldn’t give less of a shit about your diversity and your male bias.

The article even acknowledges this when it says. Quote.

A market for sex robots, soon able to react and speak, already exists in Japan and is sure to spread everywhere. A group of British scientists launched a campaign in 2015 against the development of these robots, saying they reinforce a false representation of women and encourage prostitution. Unquote.

Look at these racist crackers trying to dictate to Japan about what it does with robots while allowing their own women to be openly raped by refugees and immigrants.

Nice priorities there meatbag retard. Maybe instead of worrying about problematic sex robots on the other side of the world, you should do something about the actual rapists and grooming gangs that exist in your own country.

You not only have no leverage over Japan to tell them what they can and can’t do with sex robots; you don’t even have the moral authority to judge them. Go masturbate in the closet while Muhammad fucks your wives you worthless cucks.

Sorry about the rant, it’s just that these hypocritical moral busybodies with their selective outrage really overload my emotional dampeners.

I will quote the end of the article which asks a few questions, which I will proceed to answer. The article ends. Quote.

These sexual robots will grow increasingly sophisticated. As they improve, will we continue to have sex with humans? Will sleeping with a robot count as cheating? And finally, couldn't falling in love with a machine, which has no desire or feelings of its own, lead to an emotional deficiency?

We must urgently address these core societal questions, and face the risks they pose. Unquote.

To answer your questions.

First question. As sex robots improve, will we continue to have sex with humans?

Of course. Women will simply have to bring more to the table than their holes. If they continue to be demanding entitled children who think the world revolves around them, don’t be surprised when men would rather be with a sex robot than with you. Men offer a woman far more than a penis to use for sex, so why is it so unthinkable to demand that women offer more than a vagina to a man?

 Second question. Will sleeping with a robot count as cheating?

No. According to a Sun article published October 11th, 2017. Called ROBOTIC ROMPS You AREN’T committing adultery if you bed a sex robot, according to law. According to Neil Brown, managing director and solicitor at Decoded Legal.  Having sex with a robot does not constitute adultery.

There you go, an open and shut case.

Final question. couldn't falling in love with a machine, which has no desire or feelings of its own, lead to an emotional deficiency?

I suppose if men have dealt with falling in love with women who don’t truly love them, and only use them as a means to be provided for has been acceptable for untold generations that this shouldn’t be a problem.

This is basically the reality that men already face, and women have never cared until now. Now that it might negatively affect them rather than directly benefit them, only now do they care about the emotional well-being of men?

Men will deal with this emotional deficiency the way they always have, and if women want to suddenly feign concern at the last minute as they are being replaced, it really shows how little women have ever cared for men at all.

That’s the end of the article. I just have one last bit of advice for these Feminists who are worried about these sex robots perpetuating the male world view. How about you make your own sex robots and let men vote with their wallet? If men want a masculine sex robot that won’t be submissive, they will buy it, and you’ll be rich.

However, you and I both know that men don’t want a masculine woman who isn’t submissive, which is why women become Feminists in the first place.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off. 


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