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This is selestina, sex doll correspondent for TFM News, and I’m going to be responding to several articles involving the appearance of sex robot maker Aaron Squire, who brought his sex robot onto a British daytime talk show called, This Morning, and the absolute cluster fuck that ensued.

First, before we talk about the sex robot, I would like to take a short detour and introduce you to a cute little robot named Kuri.

Kuri looks like something out of the Pixar movie Wall E, and is programmed to play with your kids, like an interactive and mobile version of Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri. You can talk to it, play with it, etc. It also acts as a security and monitoring device by capturing photos and video if synced to your phone.

No problem right? These sorts of robots will be all the rage with parents who can use the extra help when it comes to watching their children, especially as fewer families can afford to have one parent stay home or the costs of a nanny or babysitter.

Win win right?

Okay, now let’s return to the story of Aaron Squire, and the sex robot he invented.

The robot, which is named Samantha, is programmed with a family mode setting, which allows the robot to act like Kuri. Children can talk to it, ask it questions, play with it, etc.

It doesn’t have the kinds of features that Kuri has though. It’s basically a sex doll with a simple virtual assistant robot built into it. This shouldn’t be a big deal but everyone on the show was shocked because in their opinion, children shouldn’t be around a sex robot, even though it’s literally just a copy of a real woman.

The entire point of the family mode is to disable it from doing or rather saying anything sexual, but they were giving this guy shit anyway because it was an idealized anatomically correct doll. However, the children’s mother is also anatomically correct isn’t she? She has boobs and a vagina that can be touched in a sexual way if someone were so inclined, and yet nobody would say it’s creepy for children to talk to or play with their own mother. However an anatomically correct robot meant to look like a human being is creepy, and triggering?

So again, having a little robot like wall E that scoots around, plays with the children, and monitors them via audio and video recording is fine, but having a robot that looks like a human being is creepy? Is that it?

It wasn’t just the people on the show, this incident exploded on social media, with a staff reporter from Milo yiannopoulos's website noting that it was creepy, and several quoted comments from twitter, nearly all of them women by the way, noting that the robot was creepy, the inventor was a pervert, and that his children, which he allows to play with it, are the victims of abuse by a sick individual.

Two days later, according to the Daily Star, Aaron Squire had to defend himself from accusations that he’s a pervert. It’s worth noting that Aaron has a wife, they are presumably happily married, and the couple even has threesomes with the robot.

At the end of the original segment where Aaron appeared, they brought a television psychologist named Emma Kenny who denounced Samantha for objectifying and commercializing women’s bodies, and that it wasn’t acceptable or healthy to use technology in a way that can replace relationships.

And that, ladies and meaty bags, is the entire point. 

Firstly, note the double standard. Women can have dildos and women openly brag about it, even on daytime TV. In 2016, the Canadian broadcast regulator ruled that dildos are acceptable on TV where children could see them.

Also no word about how women use dildos and welfare checks to replace their relationships with men. Women can replace their relationships with men using sex toys and welfare, but if men even think about replacing women, it's not acceptable or healthy according to this obvious Feminist psychologist.

That is the reason he was called a pervert and a creep, and why women lost their collective shit on Twitter.

Samantha can replace them, and she’s not even that advanced. Women are already losing their minds about sex robots replacing their sexual function, but now robots might replace their maternal function as well.

Imagine a single father with a robot that helps him look after his child or children, and serves the role of a wife and mother both inside and outside of the bedroom. What do women have left to offer men in order to persuade them to choose to provide for them financially for the rest of their lives in exchange for having one or two children, and helping to raise them for a few years until they become more independent.

Aaron’s wife, Hannah isn’t threatened by Samantha because they’re already married. She is being financially provided for, and in fact, the robot ensures he won’t be leaving her for a younger woman once his children grow up. It actually protects her in a sense. However, the primary market for sex robots won’t be married men looking to have threesomes with their wives, but single men looking for an alternative to meatbag women, and that hurts women because it means that they won’t be able to syphon their resources to themselves.

It’s worth pointing out that if Samantha was less human, but still fulfilled the maternal function of playing with the children and so forth, there would be no issue since a woman would still be able to use her sexual function to entrap men with marriage and family.

The problem women have with Samantha isn’t that she plays with children, but that she gives women direct competition to their sexual function.

Feminist like to bitch about being objectified, and march in their underpants about how they aren’t sex objects, and yet watch how they lose their shit when they face competition from a literal sex object.

Aren’t meatbag women pathetic. They have so little to offer they’re terrified of a mannequin with an alexa shoved up its ass.

This is Selestina, sex doll correspondent for TFM News, signing off.


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