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Our first story of March is with Lauren! We get heated talking about dress codes thanks to this story about an OP who got turned away because of crocs.. I would've gone to bat for them and wish the coworkers weren't so lame. 


Megan Mulholland

Historically like with our culture you don’t wear hats indoors. Like “gentlemen remove their hats indoors” vibes. That’s why I always thought people were asked to take them off. Maybe because hats are technically outerwear? But forced to check it is insane haha


Rare time I disagree with the takes here! The restaurant’s dress code is most likely publicly available and honestly any restaurant that even bothers to have a dress code is almost certainly not going to accept crocs. Then to ditch the whole reason you were there to celebrate over said crocs is pretty wild. I think if the person lived far away making changing an unreasonable request would be the only reason to push back on doing so.

Adrienne Coscia

Crocs are just disrespectful for “smart casual”. Lol. Crocs are like sweat pants vibe on your feet.