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Really appreciating the civil discourse on the audio version of this story. It's such a tough position our OP is in.. 


February Bonus Story #2 -- Videe

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-hosts Justin and Lauren! This months second bonus story touches on a topic that tends to get people heated.. abortion. Please be respectful with your comments, and let's make the conversation surrounding this one very civil. As Lauren says towards the end, this feels like a scary conversation to have.. when it really shouldn't be. Full length Audio only episodes available on all podcast platforms!


Tyzha Rosales

This really was a heavy story but as Jerry says, you all handled this with grace! I agree with all of your opinions/suggestions! And I have to agree with some other comments-glad you also feel this is a safe space because I can also imagine how much of an uproar this would have caused on the public Page. Thanks for sharing this story because this also may help someone who may be experiencing something similar! Thanks for your content! Stay safe and blessed ❤️

Charlene Fisher

Wow! Let me first say, (And I hope this comment doesn't get taken out of context or seen as anything other than what it is....100% genuine.) awesome reading Lauren!! I know how much you hate public speaking/reading and to take on something of this magnitude, emotionally and unfortunately politically, damn girl! 🔥 Onto the actual story. NEVER MAKE A PERMANENT DECISION BASED ON A TEMPORARY EMOTION. I absolutely agree with Justin about taking the time (if you have it) to make a fully thought out, rational decision based off of what is going to be best for you overall. The fact that OP is even considering putting herself through one of if not THE MOST immensely emotional, physical, mental, medical life changing experiences ever shows so much strength in and of itself. The fact that there are people berating, judging and threatening her is sick. They might as well be sitting right next to OPs ex giving him a high five because they're basically on the same level on the douche canoe odometer. Take away the politics entirely. They have zero right being in, on or around anyone's body. Autonomy PERIOD. I have been through the fucking wringer health and fertility wise. Multiple miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy and then a heart attack when I was pregnant with my daughter that resulted in me losing her twin at 22 weeks and her being born 8 weeks premature. As if that wasn't enough, my uterus ruptured and I had to have an emergency hysterectomy when she was 5 months old. OP could have a perfect pregnancy with zero issues and a healthy, happy, beautiful baby if SHE wants to. Whatever she decides, I pray she does so with her own feelings above anyone else's. ❤️